Intentional Words

A gentle tongue is the tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. Proverbs 15:4

Are your words gentle and intentional, rich with meaning?

We usually mean what we say, yes?

Or do you spout forth anything which immediately pops into your brain?

For example you might say, “I’m sick to death about it” when asked about a particular situation.

Do you want to be sick literally until the point of death?

That’s what you just said.

No, you didn’t mean that, so don’t say it.

Don’t declare death over yourself.

Or you might say, “I can’t stand my ______”. Could be a body part, your housing, or your job. Sometimes it can even include your family!!!

If you declare you cannot stand something, you are speaking death over it. Utter displeasure. And your body reacts appropriately.

If you cannot stand something, you wish it gone, because you can no longer deal with it.

Isn’t that too extreme to ever use again?

Thinking again about Proverbs 15:4, how gentle is your tongue?

Your words, are they intentional?

When you have a gentle tongue, your words become intentional in a good way.

You speak life with your words so perverse words do not break your spirit.

So how do we proceed? When your brain reverts back to the patterns of worry and fear, speak life instead.

Use your words to declare you fully trust God and are eagerly anticipating God’s plan to unfold. And until then, you are sheltering in the safety of His peace, absent of fear and worry. Why? Because you know He’s got this, you, and everything else.

A gentle tongue from the tree of life produces blessings for the giver and the receiver, erupting into happy bombs inside your head.

Recently while eating a late dinner in an Oklahoma diner, a waitress approached our table. I looked up with my salad question and smiled at her. She immediately gave me the nicest compliment, telling me I was so beautiful. What unexpected, sweet words!

Perverse speech affects us just as much, doesn’t it? Speaking from selfish hearts can bring all of us down real quick. Not what Jesus had in mind when He talked about fellowship with others.

Words are one of the biggest tools Satan uses to produce death in us when speaking over our situations and in others, when speaking to them.

Our words were designed for life. Remember that the next time you open your mouth, which will probably be soon.

Photos by Amador LoureiroKyle GlennPatrick Tomasso, & wisconsinpictures on Unsplash

Waiting for You

Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him. Isaiah 30:18

Morning dawned, and her alarm sounded.

Waking, the girl opened her eyes.

She stumbled out of bed, beginning her day.

Jesus was sitting on a chair by her bed. Waiting.

Returning to her room, she thought of opening her Bible and praying.

She wanted to, but realized she didn’t have the time. She was late.

And Jesus still sat, waiting.

After school the girl returned, but her phone begged for her attention.

Flopping down on the bed, she ignored the thoughts of reading the Bible.

Jesus was still there, waiting.

Dinner came and went. TV shows were watched. Homework completed.

Climbing into bed at the end of the day, the girl glanced at her Bible.

She wanted to read it, but her flesh cried out for sleep.

She mumbled a prayer as she closed her eyes.

And Jesus was still there, waiting.

He waited in her room every day.

He longed for a deeper relationship; He loved her so.

As the years went by, she changed houses and rooms, yet Jesus was always there. Waiting.

She had always grown up believing in Him, asking Him into her heart when she was young.

However, she had never really developed her relationship with God, putting it off even though she felt badly.

But Jesus never left. He was always there, waiting for her.

Did she sit with Him? That all depends. Do you?

Photos by Ben WhiteAmira Aboalnaga on Unsplash

Smoke Alarm

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. James 1:19

You’re exhausted from a long day at work.

Arriving home, you plop into your chair.

You smell something slightly off, but ignore it.

Doesn’t seem important.

Your spouse comes to you, mentioning the smell.

Since you have decided it’s not important, you inform your spouse it’s nothing.

After all, your authority stands as gospel.

In the middle of the night, you are awakend by a smoke filled room.

Coughing, you can barely breathe.

Together, you both slowly crawl out of the bedroom, barely escaping the raging fire.

Standing in the yard, you survey your house, now engulfed in flames.

You’ve lost everything.

And so has your spouse.

Everything except for each other.

If only you had listened to her, your home would still be standing.

The tiny flame would have been easy to stamp out.

But the tiny flame grew into a total loss.

Nothing left.

Daily we must be on the lookout for smoke. Warnings.

Comes in a variety of ways through your job, finances, habits, and relationships.

Satan does not want your marriage to thrive.

He wants to whisk away your children.

He wants to distract you from your relationship with God.

And he wants to destroy your peace on earth.

Be on alert, reacting with those Holy Spirit nudges.

Takes humility. Perseverance. Strength. Focus.

But God’s here, standing by your side with all the tools you could possibly need.

In fact, when you place your faith and trust daily in Him, He’ll help you smell that smoke the moment it erupts.

May we listen to the hearts of others God uses to speak through.

May we honor the thoughts of our spouse, because then we honor the thoughts of God.

May our habits reflect the nudges of God as we obey His plans for us.

May we cover the flame of conflict with humble godliness before our ignorance causes us to loose everything.

Photos by Kilian SeilerSteven WeeksPiotr Chrobot, & Olivia Snow on Unsplash

Your Place

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

How do you see you?

Before you gaze into the mirror, what do you know you will see?

Automatically judge yourself?

Don’t measure up? To what?

What’s the measure? Goal?

It’s never enough. You know that, right?

As soon as you measure up, the stick moves.

Always higher. Never done.

But how does God see you?

As His beloved. He sees you covered in His righteousness.

There is nothing you can do to earn His love.

Nothing you can do to have less of it either.

Look at yourself again.

Notice your strength.

Your faith. Your peace.

It’s all from God.

When you look, do you see God?

As a child of God, we are made in His image.

He created you perfectly.

As you keep surrendering to Him, His light will shine brighter and brighter through you.

As you live from the tree of life, your reflection will mirror His.

You are chosen.




See God at work in yourself.

See God’s protection covering you.

See your value as God’s beloved.

See and know your place as His truth.

And then believe.

Photos by Ethan Robertson, Raphaël Biscaldi, & Unsplash Photo by Vicko Mozara on Unsplash

Shrink Back or Stand Up

But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. Hebrews 10:39

Do you shrink back when life becomes rough?

When insults are hurled do you recoil?

When you are misunderstood, do you shrink back into nothing?

When you shrink back, you are destroyed.

Not literally, but emotionally and spiritually, it opens wide the door to the enemy.

Shrinking back is not standing up.

Not standing up in the armor of God.

Not standing up in the identity of Who you were patterned after.

When attacked, you have two choices: shrink back or stand up.

People attack out of their own insecurities.

Pain, disappointment, feeling out of control all cause people to react in ugly manners towards usually non deserving people.

So when that arrow is hurled your way, will you allow it to pierce you?

If you do, you’ll curl up into a ball, allowing the poison inside.

Staying in your system, the poison will slowly destroy you.

Doesn’t happen immediately, but over time, if you continually shrink back from your identity as God’s beloved, you’ll be destroyed.

Nothing the enemy would like better.

The enemy cannot keep you from believing in God, but he can and will try to keep you defeated.

Every single day.

Hebrews reminds us we are not those who shrink back and are destroyed, but we have faith.

That’s the difference.

Faith in God preserves our souls.

We know we are not in control. God is.

We know who has won in the end. God has.

We know who has redeemed us from ourselves and others. God does.

And God will continually redeem us from each and every arrow hurled our way.

Pull your armor back up.

Fasten that helmet tight.

And stand under your created identity from God.

Photos by Agnieszka Boeske, Anthony Tori, Luke van Zyl, & JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

He Knows

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:16

God understands you.

After all, He created you.

He planned you from the foundation of the world.

He saw you born.

He saw you grow.

He laughed when your baby babble emerged.

He was touched when you sang your Sunday school songs.

Especially when you belted out Jesus Loves Me.

Because He does love you, ever so much.

He saw you confused as you entered adulthood, unsure of what choices to make.

He saw your bursts of kindness to others, and your not so subtle bouts with anger.

He felt your laughter and your tears.

He continues to count the hairs on your head as He walks beside you every day.

God longs to be your closest friend.

Your sounding board.

There is no one closer to you than God.

There is no one who knows you better.

But God will never push Himself into your life.

He wants to be asked.

And once you do, He’ll step right in, holding your hand the rest of the way.

Go ahead.

Ask Him.

Even if you’ve proclaimed your faith long ago, you still must choose to walk by His side.

Each day, there are multiple times we can choose to walk away from His peace, wisdom, and love.

Probably more like hundreds.

And when we walk away, He’s always waiting for us to run back into His arms.

His grace will always take you back.

The grace from Jesus’ death on the cross, which paid the penalty for all of our many daily sins.

God is holy.

And if it wasn’t for Jesus’ sacrifice, God would not be approachable due to our sinful selves.

Because of Jesus we have everything we need.

But we must choose God each and every day.

Decide to choose Him this today, trusting Him for all your tomorrows.

And do that again the next day.

And the next.

Happily ever after.

Photos by Kelli McClintock, Guillaume de Germain, Alejandro Luengo, & Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash

Safe and Sound

You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Psalm 139:5

God, who created all things, is with you every step of the way.

Not only is He with you, but He is behind you, covering your past, taking away the pain.

He takes any pain of your past if you’ll let Him, because He wants you to live in the now.

But you have to give it to Him, purposing not to return to that pity party.

Decide instead to keep the sweet memories, letting God be in charge of any negativity associated with the past.

…in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. (Ps 139:5)

He is also before you.

He prepares your future plans.

All safe and sound with His plans, if you trust Him completely in that.

Trusting God for your future means you are not anxious.

Not fearful of what if’s.

You rest, knowing God has it all under control.

You recognize He wants the very best for you and will be with you for all of it, easy or hard.

You wake up every day, thanking Him for guiding you into how His plans for this day will unfold.

You know every step I will take before my journey even begins. You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way..(Ps 139:5)

He lays His hand upon you.

He covers you with His shelter and protection, giving you His perfect peace.

The blessing of His presence is enough to calm your anxious soul.

It is enough to cover the less than perfect past.

It is enough to keep you in His perfect peace knowing His future plans for you are perfect.

With your hand of love upon my life, you impart a blessing to me. (Ps 139:5)

Thank you, God for caring about me.

Thank you, God, for walking with me, covering my past, present, and future.

Increase my faith and trust, knowing that with You by my side, I am at peace.

For yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

And always.

Photos by Glenn Carstens-Peters, Oliver Fetter, henry perks, Johny Goerend, Allef Vinicius, & Sandis Helvigs on Unsplash

Faith in the Valley

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

How do you have faith when God allows things you wish He wouldn’t?

What then?

God is sovereign over all.

Yes, our world is broken.

But nothing happens in this life without first filtering through God’s hands.

God’s hands hold our future before it is ever brought to us.

His sovereign knowledge over all things perfectly decides things He allows and does not allow.

There’s comfort in that.

Comfort in knowing all things have first been held in His hands.

Isaiah 55: 8-9 reminds us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Because God knows the beginning from the end, His ways and thoughts include the big picture.

Way more than little ole us.

He thinks beyond our momentary crisis.

He wants to shape our long term character.

His sight is beyond our day’s irritation or foul mood.

His purposes are to mold us into the person He sees us as.

The way He already sees us.

God has great plans for us.

But will we cooperate?

All comes back to trust.

What if God wants to use your trials to bless others?

To quicken the healing of their wounds?

In order to do that you must walk through, successfully to the other side of the valley.

But I don’t want the valley.

I didn’t ask for the valley.

My friend’s valley’s never look as deep as mine.

It’s not fair.

I know.

More importantly, God knows.

He sees it all.

Remember, He knows the beginning from the end.

And that includes yours.

He saw you years before you were born and He knows when you’ll join Him in heaven.

And everything in between.

He also sees how you can be.

But only with His help.

He sees you whole.


Trusting Him with all things like a small child.

Place your trust back into His capable hands.

Give your worries and fears back to Him.

And trust Him with your future.

After all, He’s already there.

Photos by Rich Martello, David Marcu, niko photos, and Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash

Controlled by Anger

And do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:27


Is it ok to be mad?

Super angry at an uncontrollable situation?


It’s ok to be mad.

Just don’t let it control you.

There’s a difference.

A difference between anger and a life dictated by it.

The anger.

Sometimes situations in life have justifiable angry responses.

Literally justified.

But if you hold onto that anger, it controls you every time.

Every time you are reminded of the situation, your body will respond as trained.

In anger.

Blood will boil.

Tempers will flair.

You will lash out at people for no apparent reason.


It’s sin.


Because the anger controls you.

You have trained your body in that way.

And don’t sin by letting anger control you.  Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.  Ephesians 4:26-7

When God talks about letting go of anger, He means just that.

Let it go.

Guess He coined that phrase long before the Norwegian ice princess movie we have all watched way too many times.

Doesn’t mean to forget or allow yourself to be hurt again in the same way.

It simply means to keep your peace.

To surrender the anger, knowing God is in control.

To  choose peace over anger, learning instead from the pain.

Giving a foothold to the devil is keeping your anger.

Choosing to wallow in it.

Probably deservedly, yes, but that’s not the point.

Living in freedom with God sometimes defies all logic.

Logically, you should be mad as you know what.

But God wants you to live in freedom.

And you cannot dwell in His freedom if you are shackled by anger’s prison.

Break free and allow God to heal your wounds.


Ask God.

Remember, forgiving is not forgetting.

But it’s freedom.

Ask God to forgive through you.

Then whenever it pops back into your brain (you know the devil will insist on reminding you often!), throw it back to God.

Forgive again and again.

Your body will begin to retrain itself, reacting instead with peace.

The absence of anger will release you from the prison of pain.

Learn from situations, yes.

But don’t keep the anger.

It’s simply not worth your time.

Or your peace.


Photos by Clem OnojeghuoKenni Fil , &  Lauren McConachie on Unsplash


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10


Are old Christians allowed to have smudges?

Smears and smudges on their hearts and minds?

Of course.

You know we all do.

Wait, what is an old Christian?

Not a new one.

One who has walked with God a bit.

A few days, years, or even a lifetime.


We all talk about new Christians, those babies who are new in their faith.

We give them lots of liberty because after all, they are just learning!

Not sure we extend the same grace to old Christians.

Or should I say more experienced Christians.

We make mistakes just like all the rest of humanity.

Our dedicated lives get distracted.

Our character becomes selfish.

Our moods are affected by other sour souls.

When this happens, rare as it is, what do we do?

It’s so not rare, am I right?  🙂

Psalm 51: 10-12 confirms the fact that humans need to renew their hearts continually before Almighty God.

David writes, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

David, the man who clearly was used by God several times in the Bible we still read today (think important person!), needed God to clean out His heart.

He needed God to renew God’s spirit within him.

To replace his selfish human-self with God, Himself.

Are you asking God for a clean heart?

To renew your spirit with His?

We cannot function without God’s power surging through our veins.

That, folks, begins with our heart and soul.

Freely ask God for more of Himself.

If David asked, so can you.


Photos by Cristian Newman & Clay Banks on Unsplash

No Longer Slaves

And the hand of the Lord was upon me there. And He said to me, “Arise, go out into the valley, and there I will speak with you.” Ezekiel 3:22


What if you were no longer a slave to fear?

What if you decided not to sit under the rule of anxiety, worry, and doubt?

What if you decided you were not that girl who reacted in fear?

Or you are not that boy who lashes out in anger when wronged?

What if you were no longer sitting in darkness alone?

What if you declared instead your life was now God’s alone?

What if you pushed aside all your fleshly misgivings and plunged forward into what you know God wants for you?

What if you stepped out of the boat and walked in faith into God’s plan for you?

What if you put your strong feet where your mouth has been all these years?

What if you declared today is the day the Lord has made, and I will now rejoice in it?

What if you actually stopped, laid your burdens down, and ran into the arms of Jesus without looking back?

What if today was the first day of the rest of your life trusting God completely instead of your old ways?


I can tell you.

If you do that, you will be forever changed.

You will smile bigger than before.

You will walk freer than ever.

You will be filled with God’s peace, which is beyond understanding.

The what if can only be answered by one person.



Photos by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Romans 8:13


How do you resist God?

With what words or actions do you tell Him no?

He will never insist.

He will never beg.

He simply tells you His truth and waits.

Waits for you to come to Him.

No manipulation.

No threats.


So how do you resist Him?

Ignoring His prompts to share His grace.

Busying your schedule, crowding out time in His Word.

Choosing entertainment before praying for your family.

Deciding against what you know is right, obeying your flesh instead.

Listening to the lies in your head instead of His truth you know.

Succumbing to selfishness instead of serving.

The list goes on and on.


Resisting God equals loving ourselves more.

But what if you invited God to take over?

What if you, instead of focusing on yourself first, asked God what He wanted?

Continually asked God what His plans are for you each and every moment?

What if you considered God all day?

Instead of merely before bed when you pause and pray?

We resist God when we focus on ourselves.

Instead, resist yourself and focus on Him.

Focus on God.

Photos by Nathan DumlaoNeONBRAND, & Markus Spiske on Unsplash



He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3


How do we deeply believe in God?

What does that look like?

Picture a tree.

You are that tree.

Ok, you can be any tree you like.

Personally, I like Maple trees.

I used to collect those twirly things as a girl and sell them.

Anyhow, where are the roots of a typical healthy tree?


Safe and secure.


Watered from deep below the surface.


Your faith is like this tree.

Trees with deep roots withstand the blows of life easier than trees with small shallow roots, that are visible on the surface.

How do you grow your roots under your tree?

How do you deepen your faith?

Remembering His faithfulness to you.

Praying for your family and friends.

Fellowship with others who confirm His words.

Diving into His Word, taking them into your heart.

Sharing His faithfulness with others.

Singing worship to God, reminding you of His greatness.

Searching for His fingerprint.

His fingerprints are all over your life if you simply pause to look.

All of these things remind you of His faithfulness and point you towards Him.

Every time you purpose your mind on Him, your roots grow deeper.


Don’t forget to look back, proving my theory.

Think about storms big and small when you were a new Christian.

Probably fell over a few times.

Think about life now.

Yes, we fall over sometimes, but I bet you’re stronger now.

Bet you’ve had some monster storms you’ve withstood with God’s help.

But you kept your faith through them.

Oh, not perfectly, of course, but you’re still here.

You still believe despite.

Trees don’t work to grow their roots.

It happens with time and water.

And just like a tree, your faith will grow with time and water.

Time spent in faithfulness to God and water from His word, fellowship with others, and praying.

Just as a majestic tree stands solidly on the ground, towering over the earth, your faith will stand solidly on this earth, towering over fear and life absent from God.


Photos by Aaron BurdenRichard HodonickySilvestri Matteo, & vision webagency on Unsplash


Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12


How high is your belief?

Belief in God.

Belief in His goodness.

Belief in His faithfulness.

Belief in your God-given gifts.

How much do you believe?

How deep?

I can say things until I’m blue in the face.

Others can share God’s truth over and over.

But unless you take His words into your heart, they mean nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

christopher-paul-high-OdcSN0yOhA0-unsplash (1)

We all have our own choices.

To believe God or not.

To believe Him when things are rolling along nicely.

But to also believe Him when you’re plodding along in a deep dark forest.

How deep is your belief?

Even when you cannot feel His hand, do you know He’s still there?

Even when you’re disappointed yet again, do you look instead to His faithfulness?

It’s normal to flip a bit.

To flip on belief when a doubt enters your brain.

A thought pops into your head, planting a doubt, and you respond like you almost agree.

Instead, when little doubts land on your arm, slap them like a mosquito, killing them on the spot.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Doubt that is.


Because doubt always leads to something else.

If you don’t immediately slap that doubt away, it stays in the corner of your mind, coming to the surface every so often.

Something else a few minutes or hours later will try to confirm that doubt.

Now you’ve got a bigger problem.

That “confirmed” doubt has doubled.

Folks, it only gets worse from there.

Doubts are believed when belief in ourselves overtakes our belief in God.

When we determine it’s up to us to be happy.

It’s up to us to solve our moments.

Our belief in God is the cornerstone of everything.

If we don’t believe He is enough, we search.

If we don’t believe He is faithful, we doubt.

If we don’t believe He is here, we panic.

Keep your belief deep, so your roots are well watered when the ground above is parched.

When life is cracked and dry, you will still thrive because your roots are well-watered.

Choose to deeply believe, because life is very real.


Photos by Liam PozzJeremy Bishop, & Christopher Paul High on Unsplash



The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of Your hands. Psalm 138:8


What if God’s purposes are for you, not against you?

His purposes you don’t yet understand?

What if God’s ways are higher than yours?

Ways you don’t yet fully see?

What if His allowing trials in your life are for a purpose greater than your very life?

What if His tests are to grow your strength in Him?

To grow your faith in Him?

What if He allows things in order to use you to change others?

What if He plans to use your sorrows through your living, human example of walking through into new life with Him?

Would that make a difference to you?

If you knew that?

That His ways are higher than yours?


Do you trust Him?


What if your consistent faithfulness to God in the face of evil is used to glorify Him?

Would that matter?

Would that make a difference?

I think yes.

When we trust God is ultimately in control, our walk is a bit easier.

Steps are easier to take when we know our ultimate purpose is to live for Him.

And the tiny little fact that He is using us.

Using you to bring others to Himself.

You might still step into mud, but you know He is right there to lift you out.

God will use you when you trust in Him.

And it’s just a bit easier to trust Him when you remind yourself of His purpose for you.

To be that light to others.

May your trials be that mush easier as you align your will with His, resting in the knowledge that His purpose will be fulfilled in your precious little life.

Photos by Anita Austvika and Ben Eaton on Unsplash

Thank you

For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings, I will sing for joy. Psalm 63:7


Are His praises ever on your lips?

Is your thankfulness dripping off your tongue?

It’s so much easier to complain.



It’s easier because it’s more natural.

Natural in our human mindset.

But what if you turn it all around?

What if you change your focus to how good He is?

What if you change your laundry list prayer life to a time of thankfulness?


God is so good to us.

My summer has been anything but restful.


Organizing our material possessions and selling things we deem ridiculous to own.

Sudden job loss.

New house delays and issues to deal with.

Launch new business from scratch.

Start of a new school year with my school under construction.


Believe me, I’ve complained.  🙂

And when I’ve complained, my world becomes ugly and gray.

Full of despair.

But when I’ve changed to thanking Him for all of it, it’s amazing to me how my world, my same world, becomes beautiful and bright.

Full of hope.

Declare how good He is and thank Him in advance.

You’ll be surprised at how peaceful and hopeful you’ll be.

But that really shouldn’t surprise you.

Focusing on God always points us to rest.

To Him.

To His goodness.


Thank you God for all of it.

Thank you God for finishing our beautiful home and bringing the workers.

Thank you for fixing our website and delivering our materials soon.

Thank you for giving us Your wisdom in all that we do.

Thank you for giving me and my teacher friends grace and peace as we enter the new school year still under construction.

Thank you for surrounding our children with godly friends and influences.

Thank you for always taking care of us and going before us every step of the way.

You are so good.

So good to us all.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Now it’s your turn!


Photos by twinsfisch on Unsplash


Today & Tomorrow

Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:18


Ever heard the phrase “He is already there?”

Meaning, Jesus is already there.

He’s in the past.

He’s here now.

And He’s in the future.

He is already there.

Already preparing for you.

Ready and calm.

It’s comforting, but only if we believe it.

Knowing God already knows and is there comforts us, but only if that’s enough.

And it should be.

God should be enough.

His presence, love, and peace are enough.

But only if we turn ourselves off, wanting to control some part of it.


Take tomorrow for example.

Not sure what is going on, but God is already there.

And He is enough.

Worry or anxiety begin to assert themselves into our situations only when we allow ourselves to regain control.

When I thrust myself and my desires into the plan.

Invading God’s perfect plan.

Yes, God gives us desires and needs, and when those are aligned with His will and not our flesh, we will remain in peace.

But when we decide we must plan for this or that, what we are really doing is removing our trust from God.

Removing our trust.

Not a good idea.

And when we remove our trust from God, we are telling Him he is not enough.

Not enough.

God, who created ALL things is not enough.

Ok, when you spell it out that way, our anxiety does seem a bit ridiculous.

Ya think?

Remember God has your back.

He is with you yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

He is already there.

Already there waiting for you.

Keep placing your trust in Him.

Let Him walk with you each moment.

Tell Him your worries, but allow Him to solve them.

Listen after you speak.

And trust that He is enough.

Because He is.


Photos by Todd TrapaniRuslan Zaplatin, & Perchek Industrie on Unsplash

Fear’s Enemy

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Luke 10:19



Truth is Fear’s enemy.


Because Fear wants you to ignore truth.

Fear wants you to focus on worry, neglecting all things true.

What are you afraid of?

What fear has gotten a hold of you?

Ever think you’re not good enough?

That’s fear.

God’s truth holds that you are enough just by being you.

Fear of rejection begs us to ignore ourselves, bowing instead to unloving our very selves.

Afraid you’ll lose your job?

Doesn’t God hold all things in His hands?

Doesn’t He promise to bring you your needs like He clothes the flowers in the fields and the sparrows of the air?


Can you be a Christian and still fear?



Because we forget Whose we are.

We forget and turn instead to our flesh filled minds, churning out our own responses to life.

When Satan (or fear) whispers a doubt in your mind, what is your response?

Do you agree with it?

If so, that’s an invitation for fear to move on in.

Makes it even easier the next time, which I can guarantee you will happen.

You know that.


What if, instead, you refused it?

You declared God’s truth instead?

You would win, that’s what.

Your mood would stay out of the toilet.

Satan wants fear to rule your life.

To dictate your every move.

To make you apprehensive of making any mistake at all.

To become afraid to use your voice, standing up for yourself.

To worry about being alone.

To worry about being a substitute wife, because you’re not his first one.

To compare yourself to others who have had space in a loved one’s heart.

Fear is based on the faith of the unknown.

The what if.

Don’t you dare base your life on what if.

Base your life on what now.

Base your life on what now with God.

He knows.

He cares.

He’s enough.

Kick fear to the curb.

And slam the door.


Photos by Yusuf EvliAaron BurdenAdam Muise, & Aime Cox-Tennant on Unsplash


Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor. Proverbs 21:21


Sometimes God allows something to occur we simply cannot figure out.

Something unbelievable, even in-explainable.

Take Job for instance.

He was an upstanding citizen.

He was a regular sinful man, but he was righteous before God.

Doing all the right things.

Yet, God allowed his suffering.

Nothing Job did to deserve it.

God said so.

I have a dear student whose mother just passed away.

Suddenly, without warning.

One minute laughing, the other minute silent.

She was a strong Christian.

Wife, mother of two, volunteered her life for others.

So why did God allow her sudden death?

I cannot possibly figure it out.

Like Job.

I cannot understand why God allowed Job to suffer.

Why God allows any of us to suffer.

But I do know this:  God uses every situation to bring us and others closer to Him.

If we allow it.

If we don’t instead allow our selfish ways to usurp God’s path, turning instead to anger or self-pity.

But if we allow Him to work through us, eventually healing every wound.


Unfortunately, there is and will be so much unbelievable suffering in this world.

That is a given.

I think God needs some of His sheep to minister healing and peace to the pain of the world.

Not sure why He chooses some of us to have that job and not others…..

Frankly, it’s not for me to know.

God uses all situations, ugly or beautiful, for His purposes.

All we can do is trust Him in the process.

Trust Him to guide us.

And save us.

If God hand picks you to suffer terribly, allow yourself to grieve.

But bring God along for the ride.

His peace will cleanse your heart and mind.

Yes, your heart will never be the same.

But your witness will stand strong for others, giving hope and light in the utter darkness of the world.

Your light will pull others up from their knees.

Your peace will strengthen broken hearts.

Your faith will point others to the feet of Jesus.

Your living example of God’s redemptive power will break the chains of despair.

Chosen by God.

What an honor.


Photos by Delphine DucarugeGan Wien, & Robert Metz on Unsplash

Please Pray!


Oh precious Jesus,

Thank you for life.

For relationships.

For love.

Thank you for caring so much about us, that You gave up Your life.

For us.

Thank you for Your perfect peace, which passes all understanding.


Please surround my dear sweet student and her family.

As you know, they lost their precious mother last week during an accident.

They are devastated, understandably.


Please surround them completely with Your peace.

Your comfort.

Let them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that You love them.

That You are in control.

That You have their back.


Fill their minds with Your peace.

Fill their rest with sleep.

And fill their empty spaces with Your love.

Be real to them.

Be present with them.

Help them to lean on You as their Rock in the storms of life.

This is an epic storm, Lord.

Guide them to safety.

To peace and rest.

Securely guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

And bless them abundantly, as they are Your servants.

Be real to them, oh God.

Thank you, sweet Lord, for all You do.

Hem them in behind, beside, and before.

Comfort them in all their tears.

Secure their thoughts and hearts in You.

In Your precious name we ask, Amen.




Photos by Jon TysonOlivia SnowSamuel Martins, & Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

What Then

Consequently, He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25


What if I told you there is a Friend who knows your name?

Not only your name, but every thought you’ve had, every tear you’ve shed, every smile you’ve given?

Who longs to be your first confidant and constant lifelong companion?

What if I told you there is a Provider who will meet your every need?

Who longs to shower you with blessings if you let Him?

Who will not only give you food to eat, but food for your parched and weary soul?

What if I told you there is a Comforter who hears every cry?

Whose heart breaks with yours, yearning to remove every one of your burdens, big or small?


What if I told you there is a Protector who carries all authority in heaven and on earth?

Who longs to stand not only at your physical door, but your mind as well, slaying giants seen and unseen?

What if I told you there is a Shepherd who wants to guide your every step, keeping it from slipping?

Who longs to gently steer your words, thoughts, and deeds towards life and not death?

What if I told you there is a Father who wants to give you everything you could ever possibly need?

Who longs to not only protect you, but love you unconditionally, providing you with wisdom, truth, and every good thing?


What if I told you His name is Jesus and all of it is real.




What then?

Remember Who He is.

Remember Whose you are.

And trust.


Begin again, today.



Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:8-9



What exactly is faith?


Faith in God is believing in Him.

Believing He will do what He says.

That He knows best.

Believing He has our back.

That He is leading us down paths of goodness.

Abraham had faith.

Faith when God told him to sacrifice His only son whom he had waited his entire life for.

The son that held the promise of generations to follow.

Yet when God asked Abraham to sacrifice this only son, there was no hesitation.

Because Abraham had faith.

Absolute faith.

Do you?


Jesus had faith in God as well.

When the time came, Jesus asked that the cup would be removed.

But He ended his prayer with, “Not my will, but Thy will be done.”

Faith in God’s higher ways.

Jesus had perfect faith in His Father’s plan.

Explicit trust.

Do you?


It all boils down to Whom you believe in.

With who or what you place your faith.

We all have faith in something or someone.

Even the absence of faith is faith that nothing is there.

Will you place your faith in yourself?

You will fail and so will the rest of the world.

No one is perfect except God.

Or will you place your faith in the One who created all things?

Abraham’s absolute faith.

Jesus’ explicit trust.

Both fully human.

We can, too.

Just ask.


Photos by eberhard grossgasteiger & Ben White on Unsplash

Your Grave

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36


Have you walked out of your grave?


With our God’s saving power pulsing through your veins, you are free.


You are no longer bound by the death of this world.

Death from words has no power over you.

Deathly situations will no longer paralyze you.

Death from fear of the unknown no longer consumes you.

The absence or death of joy, filling yourself instead with insecurity, can no longer claim you.



Have you walked out of your grave?

You’ll know because you’ll feel the freedom God so desperately wants to give you.

When God saves your soul, first and foremost, you are headed to heaven.

When you die, you no longer worry where you will forever remain.

However, there is a second part.

God longs for you to be saved from this world here on earth as well.

Saved from the death all around you.

Saved from deathly words swallowing you up.

Saved from deadly situations paralyzing you.

Saved from fear of the unknown consuming you.

Saved from joyless living, aligning yourself with insecurity and unloving thoughts.

Jesus wants to redeem your life on earth, too.

He wants you to walk around completely loved, completely valued, and completely prized.


Because you are His.

His beloved.


He has saved you from not only eternity away from Him, but He has also saved you in this world.

You are victorious.

You are free.

Together with God, you are victorious over anything this world throws at you.

Have you walked out of your grave?


Photos by Rubén BagüésJonathan FarberScott RodgersonAlexander Andrews, & Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

Obedience to God

You shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess. Deuteronomy 5:33


When we obey God, His power rushes through us to others.


Because “behind the deed of obedience is the reality of Almighty God”.

An incredible preacher, Oswald Chambers penned that phrase in the last century.

The thought is so profound, I’ve spent days thinking of it.


When we love others with His love, we affect eternity.

When we become the hands and feet of Jesus, His love touches others through us.

When we obey God, His power is unleashed.

His love is let out.

His healing is released.

His peace is felt.


Think you’re insignificant?

Focus on this: your obedience can allow others to see God.



Yes, God.

Oh my.

Photos by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Daily Effort

Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41


Walking in life-giving steps requires daily effort.

Deliberately stepping into what God has for you is a choice.

It’s rather easy to stumble, falling into death.


Walking into self-pity.

Agreeing with rejection.

Joining with unloving.

Listening to fear.

Satan knows our weaknesses.

Tempting us is rather easy as we are so used to succumbing to his pitiful ways.

We are so weak.

Yet, with God, we are strong.

So very strong, we have literally no idea.

No idea, whatsoever, what power is ours.

Power that can shut down the devil’s temptations in an instant.


Guard yourself.

Guard myself, how?

Writing down your precious blessings from God.

Listing scriptures which proclaim the truth of God over the lies of Satan.

Tuning into worship music, filling your brain with the praises of God.

Telling fear to go.

Cancelling the assignments of rejection.

Declaring God’s power over all.

Then stepping back in line with life.

The life hidden under God’s all-powerful wings.

But you must also choose to stay.

Choose to stay aligned with God.


Walking with God produces life.

He’ll take all of your fears and lay them to rest.

Believe Him.

Because He is life.

Your life nestled safely in His hands.

Photos by Olia Gozha & Ben White on Unsplash

God’s Comfort

For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. 2 Corinthians 1:5

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As our Father, God longs to comfort us.

Longs to comfort us, His children.

Whenever I’m terribly upset, this is what I picture:

God hears me.

He wants to help as my tears break His heart, too.

He reaches down and scoops me up from my puddle on the floor.

He holds me in His arms.



I lay my head on His shoulder and rest.

He hands me a tissue, reminding me not to worry.

Reminds me He’s in control.

He’s got my back.

He loves me and will never leave me.


After I am settled and calm, He puts me down.

Does he leave?


He’s always there.

When I laugh, He laughs, too.

When I’m sad, He feels my pain, too.

He understands.

He cares.

He knows.

All things.

Sometimes He can’t make it all better.

But standing with His peace helps me choose life.

How do you picture God’s comfort to you?

Photos by Danielle MacInnesMohamed Awwam, & Jude Beck on Unsplash



What is life?

Something or someone that is alive.




How does life begin?


He is the author of life.

He created the world and everything in it.

How does life end?

Natural causes, accidents, and illness.

Or by choice with the hand of a “bad guy”, murdering a life undefended.


Recently, our country has heard the heart of people who want to choose life or death for the defenseless.

Those involved wish to declare themselves god.

They want the authority to kill innocence just before or after birth.

For what reason?

It’s unclear.


Unhealthy child, although that definition remains murky at best.

Thinking they know a child’s future will be a “non-quality” life.

Could I argue that some living people have non-quality lives?

Sitting around, depressed and living off of other people’s money, not contributing to the good of society?

Yet, those adults still deserve a chance.


Because they are valued human beings.

We must declare that babies are human beings.

No matter the stage of development in or out of the womb.

If babies are humans, then they fall under the laws of protection.

If babies are non-humans, they fall prey to nothingness.

It’s legal to kill nothing.


Because it’s nothing.


Destroying life is a choice.

A choice of convenience for only the adults involved.

May God open our eyes.

May He show us just what is going on.

And may God have mercy on our country.



Photos by Kate KrivanecLiane MetzlerKelly SikkemaAlex Hockett, & Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Our Job

I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Psalm 16:8


Sometimes I say, “Really, God?”


Sometimes I wonder just what He’s thinking.

Sometimes, I say, “Don’t you want to try this instead?”

“Seriously, don’t you?”

Sometimes I wonder just what He’s doing.

Sometimes, I throw up my hands and say, “I have no idea how You will solve this doozy of a problem.”

“Seriously, how do You plan on fixing it?”

Sometimes, I wonder just what He’s planning.


We wonder because we want to know.

We want to be in control.

We want to give Him input.

May we be reminded that God is God and we are not.

May we ask Him to guide our mouths and every step.

And may we never forget just how much we matter to God.

Our every detail matters to Him.

Nothing is overlooked.

He has already gone before us.

We need only to pray and trust.

Photo credits by George Mihaila & Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

Pure Trust

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 1 Peter 4:12


Been reading about Abraham lately.

Like so many of you, I’ve decided to read through the Bible yet again this year.

So, I’ve come to Abraham.

Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac, more specifically.

Can you even possibly imagine simply obeying God about this?

God asked Abraham to “Take his only son, whom he loves, and offer him as a sacrifice.”

Incredibly, the next passage simply states that “Abraham rose early the next morning” and basically began his journey.

With Isaac.

To sacrifice him.

That was the express purpose of this trip.


Notice any arguing with God?



Abraham did none of those things.

He had argued before about the destruction of Sodom a couple chapters earlier.

So, we know he dared to argue with God.

But somehow, he didn’t now.

I’m simply stunned.

To me, that shows how much Abraham trusted God.

God had told him his offspring would be multitudinous through Isaac.

Maybe he had a sneaking feeling God would intervene, due to that earlier promise.

Maybe he thought he’d have another son and name him Isaac, too.

He had witnessed miracles, including the birth of his son in his old age.

He regularly talked with God.

Therefore, he did not question God’s commands.

To sacrifice his only son,

Abraham had unwavering faith.


What about you?

What would you have done?

God regularly tests our faith.

Big or small, God is continually asking us to simply trust Him.

With everything.

Trust Him and pass the test.

Because just like Abraham, God will show up when you do.


Photos by Matthias Tillen on Unsplash


The Lord preserves the simple; when I was brought low, He saved me. Psalm 116:6


I’m struck at how simple our faith needs to be.

Just plain simple.

We make Christianity so darn complicated.

We become experts, insistent on our own interpretation of things.

We condemn ourselves from standards of perfection.

We become puddles of insecurity through our lack of faith.

We compare ourselves with the giants of our faith.

We mess up.

We listen to the lies of Satan whispering in our ear.

We bow to the idols of our flesh.

All of this heaps buckets of guilt and condemnation.

Usually topped with feeling our faith is not large enough.

Thinking we must do even more!


Let’s go back to the simplicity of faith in God.

Jesus said we must have faith like a small child.

Just know God is God and He is in control.

That is enough.

We don’t have to perform beyond that.

We don’t have to top anything.

We don’t need to prove our faith to anyone, including ourselves.

Place your trust in God.

Child-like trust.

Claim that.

Then relax and trust that He is good.

He works all things out in His perfect way.

His ways are above yours and mine.

Shrug off the man-made burdens of our faith and simply believe.

We don’t have to know everything about God and His ways to trust Him.

You can choose, though, to keep trusting in yourself instead of God.

He’s given us that choice.


God has not and will not ever let you down if you keep trusting Him.

Simply trust, believe, and rest.

And like a little child, take your peace.


Photos by Johannes PlenioMarjorie Bertrand, & Melissa Askew on Unsplash



I relieved your shoulder of the burden; your hands were freed from the basket. In distress you called, and I delivered you; I answered you in the secret place of thunder. Psalm 81:6-7


What is hope, really?

Knowing the situation will improve.

Seeing signs of improvement.

Signs of hope.

The dictionary defines hope as believing, desiring, or trusting.

Do you have hope?

Doesn’t matter what situation you are thinking of.

Can be big or small.

Hope your child will return their reverence to God.

Hope your boss will recognize your hard work.

Hope your puppy will finally see the big bathroom, which is outside.

Hope your spouse will pick up dinner for you.

Some hope isn’t reasonable.

Hope your child will, on their own, make a fabulous dinner or rub your aching feet.

Hope taxes will forever say goodbye.

Hope winter in Nebraska will stay in the 50’s at the very least.

But real life hope is possible.

Needed, in fact.

If you don’t have hope, you really have nothing.

Deep in winter’s grip, we have hope for spring’s warmth.

During an especially tiring workday, we have hope for the weekend’s rest.

And when children are small, we have hope they will become more and more self sufficient.


As Christians, we have hope for eternal life, living forever with God.

When we continually trust God for things in this life, our hope increases.

When we faithfully ask God to intervene, placing our worries at His feet, our hope increases.

When we realize we are not in charge and thank God that He IS in charge, our hope increases.


Place your hope in Him.

Your belief, desire, and trust as the dictionary defines.

And when doubt comes a knockin’ at your door, don’t answer it.

You don’t need that.

Because you have hope.

Real hope from God above.


Photos by Diego PHGuilherme StecanellaCatherine McMahonRose ErkulJOHN TOWNER, Ron Smith, & Nong Vang on Unsplash

Be Still

To the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 25


Lord, what are Your thoughts this morning?

Be still.

Be still and know that I am God.

I am above it all.

Everything, big or small.

I am above your children.

I am above your husband.

I am above your job.

Your health.

Your house.

Remember Who I am.

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I am the Great I Am.

I Am means I have always, are currently, and always will be.

As a result, you can be still.

If you choose.

Be still and know that I am God, trusting in My perfect plan chosen specifically for you.

Be still, my child, be still.

I am here.


Photos by Aaron BurdenEmil VilsekDonnie RosieDenys Nevozhai, & Maria Shanina on Unsplash



Believe Me.

You are loved.



Perfectly formed.

Made in My image.


Believe me.

I am here for you.


Continually by your side.

You are never forsaken by Me.



Believe Me.

I have ordained your steps.

Your life is safe with me.

I know your every move.

Your going out and your coming in.

Nothing is hidden from Me.


Believe Me.

Because I believe in you.

Love, God

Photos by Matthew SmithThomas Quaritsch, & Elijah Hail on Unsplash

True Thankfulness

Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 106:1


Are you thankful?

Truly thankful?

For all of it?

Good things are easy to list.


Joy filled days.

Grocery stores brimming with food.

Meaningful jobs.

Secure homes.

Fuzzy socks.

Steaming hot coffee.

Loving husbands.

Precious children.



How thankful are you for the darkness?

For every thing that has broken your heart?

A spiteful boss.

Ungrateful children.

A friend’s betrayal.

Abandonment of a spouse through death or divorce.

Children born in heaven.


God has a purpose for all things.

All of it.

Every little thing.

Thanking Him in the good times is easy.


Thanking Him in the bad times, is not.

It’s painful.

Sounds almost ridiculous to even suggest.

I mean, how can we possibly even think about thanking Him for the darkness?

I ask myself, can I thank God for my life?

For my entire life?



I can try.

Found it’s easier if you can thank Him for pain AND redeeming you all at the same time.

Well, here it goes.

Thank you, God, for the relationship rupture and my dear sweet husband.

You know best when allowing things to happen.

Thank you, God, for child heartaches and our precious relationships now.

Thank you, God, for the babies in heaven and the promise of new life for a bit.

Thank you, God, for the agony.

And thank you, God, for the relief.

The blessings I have are brighter when viewed through the prism of pain.

I know I’m more thankful, because of it.

All of it.

More conscious of the blessings.

My husband is, too.

It’s when you can thank Him for all,

For everything,

That you know you’ve put Him first.

Your trust in Him is secure.


Because you know He is in control.

Absolute control.

And you are safe in His arms.

Completely safe.

Ok, now it’s your turn.


Photos by Chris LawtonLina TrochezSteve HalamaGuillaume de GermainBen White, & Simon Maage on Unsplash

Will You?

The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. Psalm 145:18


Will you keep trusting God when all looks wrong?

Will you keep your faith as it looks like God has turned His back on you?

Remember Job?

Job kept his faith even as his entire life fell apart.

Life as he knew it melted away.

All of his children died.

His business failed.

His home burned.

His possessions were a total loss.

His wife was livid as she blamed Job for it all.

His friends gave him bad advice.

He was alone.


He felt God had turned His back on him.

But Job’s faith never faltered.

He stayed faithful.

He never wavered.

And God restored him.

In God’s perfect timing, Job was completely restored.

Do you have that kind of faith?

If God took away everything in this life, would you trust Him still?

God’s not likely to do just that.

However, life will sometimes look like God is absent.


Not with you.

But He is here.



Rest assured, God is in complete control.

God never lost control in Job’s life.

God simply allowed Satan to test Job.

God had Job’s back.

And God has your back.


When your life feels as though God has left, will you trust Him still?

You should, because He is faithful.

He restored Job and He will restore you.


But you must be faithful.



Like Job.

Allow God to work.

And rest in the knowledge that He is sovereign over all.

Even you.

He sees you.

Every little thing.



Photos by Marita KavelashviliFederico BottosKatie Drazdauskaite, & Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash



Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations. Deuteronomy 7:9


You want proof God exists?

You want proof He is here?

Open your eyes.

Look around.

Really look.

Before God,

Your life was a mess.

Before His salvation,

Your life was a wreck.

Your life after God has had many disasters.

But He is there every single time.

Carrying you through.

Not unscathed, but whole.


Instead of looking at your life and focusing on the disappointments,  be amazed at how He has been there.

And still is.

Instead of asking God for proof of His very existence,  look at His proof staring you in the face.

Your spouse.

Your children.

Your job you didn’t know you’d need.

Your safety net of family and friends.

Physical provision just when you needed it.

Emotional support from a friend when it mattered most.

Unexplained bursts of joy in the midst of trials.

A peace which passes all understanding keeping your heart secure, while life on the outside looks chaotic.

God smiles at us all the time.

Through others.

That’s the proof.

Me, I tend to focus on the “too bad’s”.

Too bad life isn’t this way.

Or that.

And then I become unhappy.

Frankly, I have the distinct ability to wallow in the unhappy.

Gee, no wonder I do when I focus only on the “too bad’s”.


Look at life, instead, this way.

We live in a broken world.

But God has made all the difference in this life.

His provision has carried you through things you didn’t even know were wrong.

His love has filled you with peace time and time again.

So instead of focusing on the “too bad’s”, focus on the “it’s great that’s”.

Choose to focus on the good that most certainly outweighs the bad.

And see His hand that has been on your life, is on your life, and always will be on your life.



Photos by pixpoetryAnnie Spratt,  Artem Bali, & George Hiles on Unsplash

Open House

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


It’s open, come on in.

Whose there, you ask?




My house is open, so they walk right in.

Unknowingly, I invited them.


Through believing lies in my head.

Honestly, I thought they’d leave.

But they don’t want to leave.

In fact they refuse to leave without me demanding them via God’s power.

Why don’t I ask them to leave?

Why haven’t I?

Because I’m comfortable with them.

The bondage feels familiar.

It’s who I am.

They came into my house so long ago, I can hardly remember feeling freedom.

My house guests have not only stayed a long time, they have completely moved in.

In fact, I even built them rooms.


I made room by kicking out peace, love, and security.

Has God come by lately?

Well, I haven’t invited Him over for a bit.

It’s been awhile and my house is slightly messy.

Messy with fear, doubt, and jealousy.

I’m afraid to clean up.

I don’t think I can.

But I’m jealous of my friend’s clean house…..she has so much peace from God.

I want that, too.

Does this sound at all familiar?

Declare God’s truth and pray this prayer:

God, please come back into my life.

Cleanse me from anything that is not of You.

Fear, doubt, and jealousy, leave now, in Jesus’ name.

I declare my house to be a house of God.


Now walk confidently in God’s power.

His peace.

And close the door to fear.

In fact, change the locks.

Because God is back in control.

Photos by Mona EendraAlfred LeungLeyre LabargaJose Aragones, & Annie Spratt on Unsplash



Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” Matthew 14:31


Where is my next victim?

I’ll pick him.

Over there.

The one looking at his phone.

I know… they are ALL looking at their phones, but I mean the one over there.

The kid wearing a striped shirt.

I’m going to whisper a doubt into his head.

Great- he looks concerned.

What do you know….looks like I succeeded.

It’s tomorrow and I’m at it again.

I see him getting ready for school, so let’s pile on the doubt.

Oh good, he thinks he’s the stupid kid walking around at school.

He just threw his things down in disgust at himself.

Let’s confirm the doubts and really take him down a few pegs.

Wait, he’s a Christian?

Not sure if that matters.

Look, we got him to skip praying, so I can move in yet again, confirming the doubts yet again.

No, instead, I’m going to double the doubts.


What is my name?


I tend to rule.

No, I do rule.

I have absolute power when folks give it to me.

How do they give it to me?

Succumb to the lies I tell them and don’t believe the truth.

I’m only silenced with the power of God.

But if I can get them to forget all about that, I win.

I am so used to winning, it’s almost boring.

I’m serious.

My job is so easy.

Oh no.

That kid I taunted is in Bible class.

He’s listening to the teacher proclaim victory over fear.

Let me quickly plant a doubt.

Shoot, he declared the truth in immediate response.

Now they are praying and he is agreeing.

Guess I have to leave him for now.

Time to find another victim.

Let’s try her…..


Photos by Issam HammoudiMichał Parzuchowski,  Ryoji Iwata, & Lukas Juhas on Unsplash

Letter from God

How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. you lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world. Psalm 31:19

A few days ago, God impressed upon me to encourage my friends at school.  I believe God wants to remind all of us who we are when placing our lives into His hands…when we become a child of the King as we place our trust in Him and Him alone.

I see you.

I see you when nobody else does.

I see your many joys and also your tears shed in secret.

I see the many long hours you continue to work.

I see your heart.

I know you want to do your very best for Me.

That brings joy to My heart.

Know that I see all that you do.

I need to remind you of something: you are enough.

What you are is enough.

You are my precious son, my precious daughter.

You have nothing to prove to me.

I love you for who you are.

What do I want from you?

All I need from you is your heart.

Give me your heart and release everything else into My hands.

My capable hands.

Give me your lesson plans.

Give me your seating chart.

Give me your curriculum you struggle to plan.

Give me that one child.

You know who I’m talking about.

Give me office toner issues.

Give me all of your security concerns.

Give me your teeny tiny breaks.

Give me all of it.


Surrender it and do not ask for any of it back.

I will faithfully help you every step of the way.

All the way to May and beyond.

You are enough.

Take a step back and survey your life.

I have been with you, I am with you and I always will be with you.


Know that I love you and am immensely proud of who you are.

Love, God ❤

Fill in the concerns with your personal struggles.  Write them all down. Everyone.  Then pray and give them all to Him.  Every single one.  Tear up the list and refuse to worry anymore.  Pray that He replace your worries with peace.  Remind yourself that “God’s got this” every time that worry begins to creep back, threatening to steal your peace. Then keep your faith close, looking forward to God’s perfect solutions.


Photos by Jeff Kepler & Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Ready and Waiting

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10


God is telling us, commanding us to quiet ourselves.

Be perfectly still.









And know that I am God.

Realize God is God.

Recognize God’s ultimate power.

Fix your eyes on things above.

Resolve your confidence in Him.

Quiet your anxious heart and place your total trust in Him.

Receive His perfect peace.

Every time.

With God in control, there is nothing to fear.


Photos by Krzysztof Niewolny & Carolyn V on Unsplash