All the Little Things

Even to your old age I am He, and even to your advanced old age I will carry you! I have made you, and I will carry you; Be assured I will carry you and I will save you. Isaiah 46:4

Do you recognize the absolute pleasure of watching God take care of you?

We try so hard to control our worlds.

Our environments. Our decisions.

Our current and future moments.

We try, yet fail so often.

We can’t possibly ever reach perfection: perfect control of our worlds.

But that’s not our job. It’s God’s.

God is the one who controls all things.

He ultimately holds our breath in His hands.

When you try to manage yourselves, we rely on our own strength.

Our own wisdom.

Our own humanly flawed brains.

I for one don’t remember all I should. You?

Do you fret about it?

Suddenly become anxious when you, gasp, mess up?

You shouldn’t. Just try your best. God’s got the rest.

Went to a fun Mexican restaurant last weekend with my sweet husband.

For some reason, I used my credit card to pay and we went on our merry way.

The next day, I was first at the register, so I reached into my wallet to pay for our mulch and plants.

My credit card was missing!

My husband paid our bill, and we discussed where the card could possibly be.

At the restaurant from the night before!

Quickly we called and sure enough, it was waiting for me. No extra charges, just a sad, lonely card.

What a relief! I’m coming!!

Here’s where God comes into this picture: I rarely pay a store when the two of us are together.

What if I had not tried to pay for our mulch?

When would I have noticed the missing card?

Probably days later as I am a school teacher, never needing my card during the week.

God prompted me to use it, so I would notice it’s absence.

Isn’t God so kind?

But that’s His heart.

We learn a lesson (take back your card when you pay!), but He gently guides us along the way.

Stop trying everything on your own.

Do your best, and let God do the rest.

He’s much better at it, anyway.

Photos by Luke OwVitolda KleinSchiba, & Ben White on Unsplash

Losing Control

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

I hold onto things too tightly.

When I do, I remain in control.

As more and more things climb into my hands, I stumble, dropping everything.

I stand, crestfallen at the mess before me.

Looking up, I see You, my God, are here.

Your arms are reaching down to me, inviting me to come.

To surrender.

I place my hand in Yours as You lift me onto Your lap.

Instantly feeling peace, I rest, knowing You are the great I Am.

I look down at the life I’ve spilled and because of You, the messy pile is gone.

You’ve organized all of it for me.

In it’s place is a nice neat row, everything in a logical place.

You’ve even added Your touch, causing it to look more beautiful than it’s ever looked.

Thank you for reminding me that You, God, are in control.

You are my helper. My shield. My protector.

You are the author of my peace.

My constant shelter in the storms of life.

Remind me to give you my daily moments.

Remind me to let You hold my days as you protect me, allowing my hope to dwell in the future plans You have just for little ole me.

Photos by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Becoming God’s Witness

I sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

Why are you still participating with fear?

Why are you still choosing to partner without God?

God has overcome ALL things.

Fear. Anxiety. Bitterness.

Inferiority. Depression.


God is above everything.

He created You in His image.

When Jesus came to die for our sins, we were given the opportunity for relationship with God Almighty.

Because God is above everything, He is above fear.

He is above anxiety.

He is above it all. Everything.

As God’s child, you are above everything, too, with God’s power running through your whole self.

The Bible reminds us the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.

Absolutely incredible.

Fear is nothing to God.

Anxiety, depression, and inferiority are mere bugs to step over.

Choose to focus on your identity in God.

As His child, you are no longer a slave to fear, anxiety, or anything not from above.

But you must choose.

When you do, your body will be healthier, because your mind will be at peace.

Fear wants to control you.

Satan wants to lie, convincing you God is not enough.

But He is. God.

He is absolutely enough and then some.

Psalm 34 reminds us He will deliver us from ALL of our fears when we seek Him.

Refuse those thoughts from the pit when they dare to enter your mind.

Send them packing, canceling their assignment with God’s truth.

Your body will be healthier.

Your mind will be peaceful.

And your smile will broadcast God’s strength to all who witness your beautiful face.

Allow Him to take over, changing your mind from fear to peace.

Allow His witness through you to guide others to His salvation.

Stand tall with God’s strength.

And become His witness.

Photos by M.T ElGassier, Guilherme Stecanella, & Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

John 10:4

When He has brought out all His own, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice. John 10:4

When we place our lives into God’s hands, He guides us.

We trust Him and in return, He guides us step by step.

Can be comforting when you realize Who is now in control.

Even when He leads you into the dark.

When God guides us into an ugly part of life, what do you think He feels?

Does God seek to cause us pain?

Does He enjoy watching us suffer?

Absolutely not.

It pains God to see us suffer.

But He sees the bigger picture, even when we do not.

He knows what must be endured in order to gain victory.

He knows we must walk through certain things life throws at us.

But when we trust Him through these times, God’s peace remains.

Trusting God in the dark is difficult, but we have help.

Romans 8:34 reminds us that Jesus, too, intercedes on our behalf.


God is Sovereign.

He was in our past, remains in our present, and will always abide with us in our future.

He knows absolutely all things.

As our Father, He blesses us, sometimes allowing pain, knowing the path we must face.

But He is always with us no matter what meets us.


God, who created ALL things, walks with us each and every day.

He longs to know you.

To be your all in all.

As you walk, run, or crawl through life’s days, remember to take His hand.

He will squeeze it with comfort on those ugly days.

And He will grasp it with joy on the beautiful days.

And all the ordinary days in between, He will remain Your most faithful friend.

So cry with God when you have hard times.

And let Him rejoice with you when things are amazing.

Trust Him as He brings you out, guiding you with Himself.

For when you trust Him, you are His sheep, guided by His voice as He goes before you every step.

Photos by Sam Carter, Michelle McEwen, Joe Green, City Church Christchurch, & Mitchell Orr on Unsplash

Fret Not

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. Psalm 37:8

Would you agree anger is usually a result of not being in control?

Your spouse’s actions, your child’s reaction, someone bumps your car on the road.

When we are not in control, we tend to get angry.

And when we are angry, we become anxious.

And when we are anxious, we sin, which is evil.

That’s what Psalm 37:8 reminds us.

Filling our head with anxiety invites fear – the fear of not being in control the next time.

Almost like we throw open the door, allowing fear to walk right into our mind.

And when fear walks in, he tends to take over. Like take over everything.

Allowing our mind to walk with anxiety comes back to control.

When we are not in control, simply stated, we don’t like it.

Everyone likes to be in control.

Control of the home’s temperature, television choices, dinner menu, division of chores, and more.

When we are not in control of whatever it is, anxiety is born.

If not removed immediately, anxiety can grow as a thorn in your flesh, infecting not only your current mood but beyond.

Anxiety that has taken root in your flesh affects other areas of your life.


Because fear, which is the root of your anxiety, likes to take over completely.

You begin suspecting others when suspicion is not necessary.

You start to anticipate the worst when the best is yet to come.

Psalm 37 reminds us God wants His children to refrain from anger and worry. He knows it leads only to evil.

And now you do as well.

So what should we think of instead? Whatever is pure, lovely, honorable, and just. Philippians 4:8 reminds us of that.

With God’s help choose to focus on pure and lovely things. Your mind will not worry. Nor will it fret.

Ask God to fill your mind with His thoughts. His wisdom. His peace.

Ask God to remind you of His faithfulness.

He’s always helped you more than you realize.

Give things afresh to Him today, allowing Him to bring you His perfect peace.

Photos by Jason RosewellMaksym Kaharlytskyi, & Annie Spratt on Unsplash

A Lying Fool

Satan is a master of deception.

In fact, I’d even give him that official title.

But that’s the only thing I’ll give him.

He seeks to destroy life, shoving aside anything and everything in his way.

He cares not a whit for you.

Or those you love.

His goal is to distract you, tempt you, and discourage you from action.

There are many loved ones in my life walking away from God.

Oh, they think I’m the crazy one. The Christian.

They judge my standards, criticizing my thoughts as if they can read them.

Placing me on a pedestal of “the model Christian”, I shatter their perception of Christians each and every day when I fail in my human strength.

Satan uses that ignorance to prove his point – that Christians are not to be trusted.

When slanders fly my way, Satan is pleased.

After all, his goal is to bring me down as well. Me and anyone I love. Which is my whole family.

How did Jesus react when accused? Calmly explained His position.

Oh, I’m guessing not each time, but He never sinned. He simply explained.

Or not. Sometimes He simply left others as He prayed alone with God.

He focused on God’s promises and truth, which brought Him perfect peace.

If arrows fly your way this holiday season, remember Whose you are.

Remember God has promised to protect you fully, walking with you each and every moment.

But you must not let Satan win.

You must not allow the lies to penetrate your brain, giving them any residence whatsoever.

Listen to worship music. Open the Bible to His promises.

And choose to focus on the One who will solve all things.

Submit yourself to God, asking Him to help you love your family as only He can.

And don’t give Satan one inch of satisfaction.

Not even a millimeter.

While you cannot control others, you can control yourself. With God’s help, of course.

Not today, Satan. In fact, not ever. Period.

Photos by Josh HildMaria TenevaJoel Muniz, & Aliane Schwartzhaupt on Unsplash

Slapping the Devil

What situation in your life begs God to enter?

Something you have zero control over?

I know, you have control over your reactions, but not over the actions or responses of others.

You have no control how other people will react or sometimes not even care.

You also have no control over circumstances thrown your way.

Sickness, job loss, inflation, an inconsiderate spouse, ungrateful children, the threat of war.

You can only control your reaction.

What does your flesh immediately do when faced with any of that ugliness?

Become wrapped in self-pity as unloving or fear try to walk back into your mind?

Seems justified, yes, but that choice brings darkness.

Walks you away from God and His love for you.

What if instead, you began to thank God for walking with you, for providing you a continued walk with His peace?

And what if you continued to thank God for your circumstances and His provision for all things we pray?

You’d be slapping the devil in the face for sure.

I don’t know what you think, but to me, when we step out in faith while slammed by life outside our control, there’s a bigger hallelujah sung behind us.

Bigger than when we are simply obeying God through flowery, sun-shiney days.

When we choose to ignore our pity party, celebrating God’s goodness instead, the sting sent the devil’s way is a little more obvious to him.

A little more painful. A wee bit more disappointing.

The devil knows you, knows your weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Why give him a good time instead of you?

Give him a bad time. An absolutely horrid time.

Keep showing him Who is boss over you. And it’s not him.

While life is often completely unfair, remember God is always kind and just to you.

He’s always with you no matter your attitude. And that’s not fair to God.

So resolve to give the devil a hard time by ignoring your fleshly cries, filling yourself up with God instead.

In return your days and nights will be even better.

The devils’ not so much.

Photos by Nick Page on Unsplash

Leaving Our Junk

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

What is God calling you to leave behind?

Your identity?



Future fears?

Your health?

Your family?

Control over your surroundings?

When God calls you to Himself, He asks you to leave things behind.

But often, we begin following Him while dragging things along side us.

We drag worry along as we fear the future even though we know God’s got it.

We drag our family as we obsess about their poor choices even though God loves them more.

We drag our health as we demand to be healthy while choosing to inhale junk.

We drag our false identities even though we know who we are as God’s heir.

And we drag control, desperately wanting life to surrender to our every whim instead of surrendering to God’s will.

As God’s child, we need not bring anything on our journey with Him.

All we need is ourselves as God brings everything else.

And He is perfect, holding our perfect plan set before us.

We mess it up when we drag things along.

When we don’t leave all our junk behind.

We are so selfish, wanting to conform our surroundings to fit our whims. Our desires, hopes, and dreams.

But God’s ways are better. His ways are higher than mine. And they are higher than yours.

What is holding you back from running into all God has for you?

Photos by Karsten Winegeart, Jametlene ReskpJonathan Borba, & Aaron Owens on Unsplash

Dear God, Help!

The Lord will rescue His servants; no one who takes refuge in Him will be condemned. Psalm 34:22

This is big.

Too big.

Too much.

I can’t even wrap my mind around it, so there’s that.

I’m going to call it simply impossible.

Dead end, that’s where this situation lays.

No literal way out.

My mind is wrapped in anxiety and dread.

Blanketed with fear, causing my stomach to lurch whenever my mind remembers.

Standing at the edge, I throw up my hands in surrender.

God, I can do nothing to help.

I am not in control.

God, please help.

Please take it all away, sweeping in with Your goodness, health, and peace.

I know Your plan is not for evil, but for good.

And I know you created us with the choice to follow Your virtues or not.

While I cannot control the whims of others, I can purpose myself on You.

On Your truth.

On Your wisdom.

On Your peace.

We all face mountains, be them family situations, health, or other, that become defining points in time.

How will your mountain define you?

Turning to God, trusting Him to solve it all?

Or turning into yourself, which will 100% fail you and those you love.

Turn to Him, who created our universe and everything within.

Turn to Him, giving Him every worry, anxiety, and fear.

Turn to Him and let Him hold you, making it all better.

And watch Him work miracles.

Either you’ll see Him solve things as only He can, or you will witness Him providing you with His perfect peace within the storm.

Either way, your front row seat will behold His perfect miracle just for you.

Photos by Phạm Trọng Họ,  Ben White, & Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Controlled by Anger

And do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:27


Is it ok to be mad?

Super angry at an uncontrollable situation?


It’s ok to be mad.

Just don’t let it control you.

There’s a difference.

A difference between anger and a life dictated by it.

The anger.

Sometimes situations in life have justifiable angry responses.

Literally justified.

But if you hold onto that anger, it controls you every time.

Every time you are reminded of the situation, your body will respond as trained.

In anger.

Blood will boil.

Tempers will flair.

You will lash out at people for no apparent reason.


It’s sin.


Because the anger controls you.

You have trained your body in that way.

And don’t sin by letting anger control you.  Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.  Ephesians 4:26-7

When God talks about letting go of anger, He means just that.

Let it go.

Guess He coined that phrase long before the Norwegian ice princess movie we have all watched way too many times.

Doesn’t mean to forget or allow yourself to be hurt again in the same way.

It simply means to keep your peace.

To surrender the anger, knowing God is in control.

To  choose peace over anger, learning instead from the pain.

Giving a foothold to the devil is keeping your anger.

Choosing to wallow in it.

Probably deservedly, yes, but that’s not the point.

Living in freedom with God sometimes defies all logic.

Logically, you should be mad as you know what.

But God wants you to live in freedom.

And you cannot dwell in His freedom if you are shackled by anger’s prison.

Break free and allow God to heal your wounds.


Ask God.

Remember, forgiving is not forgetting.

But it’s freedom.

Ask God to forgive through you.

Then whenever it pops back into your brain (you know the devil will insist on reminding you often!), throw it back to God.

Forgive again and again.

Your body will begin to retrain itself, reacting instead with peace.

The absence of anger will release you from the prison of pain.

Learn from situations, yes.

But don’t keep the anger.

It’s simply not worth your time.

Or your peace.


Photos by Clem OnojeghuoKenni Fil , &  Lauren McConachie on Unsplash

Today & Tomorrow

Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:18


Ever heard the phrase “He is already there?”

Meaning, Jesus is already there.

He’s in the past.

He’s here now.

And He’s in the future.

He is already there.

Already preparing for you.

Ready and calm.

It’s comforting, but only if we believe it.

Knowing God already knows and is there comforts us, but only if that’s enough.

And it should be.

God should be enough.

His presence, love, and peace are enough.

But only if we turn ourselves off, wanting to control some part of it.


Take tomorrow for example.

Not sure what is going on, but God is already there.

And He is enough.

Worry or anxiety begin to assert themselves into our situations only when we allow ourselves to regain control.

When I thrust myself and my desires into the plan.

Invading God’s perfect plan.

Yes, God gives us desires and needs, and when those are aligned with His will and not our flesh, we will remain in peace.

But when we decide we must plan for this or that, what we are really doing is removing our trust from God.

Removing our trust.

Not a good idea.

And when we remove our trust from God, we are telling Him he is not enough.

Not enough.

God, who created ALL things is not enough.

Ok, when you spell it out that way, our anxiety does seem a bit ridiculous.

Ya think?

Remember God has your back.

He is with you yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

He is already there.

Already there waiting for you.

Keep placing your trust in Him.

Let Him walk with you each moment.

Tell Him your worries, but allow Him to solve them.

Listen after you speak.

And trust that He is enough.

Because He is.


Photos by Todd TrapaniRuslan Zaplatin, & Perchek Industrie on Unsplash


Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. Psalm 91:14-15


How does one survive without God?

Literally, how does one survive this life?

I have no idea how.

Life can be pretty awful sometimes.

Downright nasty.

And when life is just that, how can one survive without the knowledge that God is still in control?

I’m guessing not very well.

Surviving this life without God, that is.


When life punches you to the ground,

When you can hardly gather your strength to pull yourself back up,

All you have to do is reach out your hand.

Reach out your trembling hand to God.

He is always there to pull you up, gathering you into a big bear hug.

He lifts the burden from your shoulders,

Shakes the dust off your back,

Wipes the tears from your eyes,

And holds your hand as you begin your walk again.

He never lets go.

So, the next time life reduces you into a heap on the floor,

Remember who stands with you.

You might not know where He is taking you,

You might not know His reasons,

You might not even know why He allows certain things.

But you can be certain of One thing:  You and your little life matter to our big God.

And that, my friend, is how we survive this life.

And prosper.


Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash

Master of My Heart

So, I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. Galatians 5:16


Is He?

Master of your heart?

Fully in control?

None of us are perfect in this area.

But if you constantly ask Him to guide your thoughts, words, and actions, then He has the job.

Master of your heart, that is.

When trials or mere irritations arrive at your doorstop, if you go to Him for direction, then He is in control.

Right where He should be.

Irritations can disappear when you return your thoughts to His plan for you.

Your reactions to life are filtered through the lens of God.

His peace and love will permeate all you are AND do.

Oops. I don’t think that’s me.

My reactions aren’t exactly stellar when life smacks me in the face.

Well, something else must be the master of your heart.

When it’s not God, it’s something else.

Most likely- it’s you.

We love to put ourselves number one.



When we are masters of our own heart, our desires are first.

What we want goes.

Disappointment regularly follows us around.

Irritation, too.


Enough of that!

Fix it.

Submit yourself to God.

He is the author of all things and will gently guide you into the fullness of life.

Place God as the master of your heart.

Go to Him with all things.

Contentment and peace will follow behind your every step.


Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

DSC_01261 (16)-2

For the love of God, stop.

Stop acting like you can control life.

Stop pretending you are actually in control.

God is.

He is the author of life.

He numbers our days.

Do you want your numbered days to be filled with worry?


Mere panic at the thought of losing control?

Or do you want your numbered days to be filled with the transformational peace of God?

It’s your choice.

Daily, actually.

Yes, God gives us authority to make decisions.

To control our tiny corner of life.

But first, submit to God.

Ask Him how to order your day.

Talk to Him about your every step.

Then the peace of God will guide you.

Will you have trials?

Yes, but you’ll have joy in spite of it, knowing God is still in control.

He knows the beginning from the end.

He is the author and finisher of life.

And He loves you.


Without reservation, He loves you.

Submit to God Almighty, who created you and the world in which you live.

Submit to God Almighty, who knew you needed a Savior and provided for you a way to eternal life.

Submit to God Almighty, who wants to lead and protect you, enveloping you in His perfect peace and love.

For the love of God, submit.

Photo by David Beale on Unsplash


God’s Timing

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.  He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and hour justice as the noonday.  Be still before the Lord and wait patiently  for Him.  Psalm 37:4-7


Keep going.

Pressing forward.

There is a plan – God’s plan.

He will reveal it in His perfect timing.

His timing, not mine.

Not yours.

In the mean time – trust.

Look back at all the details He has put together for you.

Shown you.

Proved to you He notices and is fully present with you.

Grab hold of God’s tender hand.

He will never ever let go.

Photos by Cadabullos Diseño Web & Kosma Kurłowicz on Unsplash

Worry and Dread

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Closeup of crayons

Ever work yourself into a worried frenzy?

Consume your thoughts with worry and then your body simply shuts down?

Worst case scenarios play out in your brain and you are completely convinced all heck will break loose?

Think about the very worst case scenario.

Is it really that bad?

Probably not.

You might have a few days of angst, a few years maybe, but in the end, will it really matter?

From the balcony of heaven, will it matter if this worst case scenario happened?

How does one practically stop themselves from dwelling in the flesh?

How do you keep your brain from worrying?

Sometimes a worry keeps me frozen in fear.

Filled with dread.

Yep, I’m not perfect.

So how do you stop the train wreck?

Refuse to participate with worry and fear.

Wait a minute.

How do you do that?

When you play a thought over and over in your mind, it cements the thought as fact.

You literally trick your brain into thinking a false reality.

Whoah. Really?


Reverse it.

Throw your worries back to God.

After all, He’s the one in control, not you.

If you make a mistake, own it, and move on.

Don’t dwell in worry or fear.

Won’t do a bit of good.

Won’t change a thing.

Except your peace.

That will be gone.

Worry and fear.

Not a way to live.

Daily submit yourself to God.

Pray for His guidance to walk you through life.

Then when life throws you a curve ball, you can put on your glove and throw it straight back to God.

He’ll catch it and you’ll be on His winning team.

Photos by Chang Duong & Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Giving God Only Half

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

Sunflower on fence

Ok God.

You can have this area of my life and this one over here, but not that one.

My family needs You, but my job is fine.

I’m doing fabulous with my job – well, actually my 2 jobs, and I don’t want You to change absolutely anything about it.

So, I’ll keep a hold of my job because I want to stay in complete control.

You can choose the books I read, but I want to remain in charge of the tv shows I watch.

I know what I like and I don’t want to change any shows.

I deserve them, because I work hard!

I’ll let You alter my food and eating habits.

I really need You there.

I want to be healthy and in better shape, so I give You control of that area.

You want me to jog during my tv show?

Um, not going to happen.

I love that show.

Let’s see, You can direct my health, the dog, our home, my husband’s job, and our vacation plans.

I’m keeping my pride (really need that for work), selfishness (whose going to look out for me if I don’t), and distrust of everything I haven’t done myself.

Have You seen my dishwasher when I haven’t reloaded the thing?

So thank you for taking control of some things in my life.

I don’t have time to do it all myself, so thank you.

I’ll keep the other things for now as I am doing a pretty great job.

You sure knew what you were doing when you fashioned me!

So relieved we had this talk.

Pastor said we should surrender everything to you – said we’d be happier and more peaceful.

Don’t know how anyone could do that!

It’s too hard!

Not strong enough in my own strength, I suppose!

I love being in control.

Just using the gifts You gave me!

Looking forward to seeing You work things the way I want in the areas I gave You!

Up to Us

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29


God is here.

He is here in my room at this very moment.

He knows my heart.

He knows my deepest wishes.

He sees every corner – the love for my husband and children…the fragile yet strong self-esteem…the hurt He will wipe away…sin I refuse to give up.

God is ever present – waiting for us to surrender ourselves so He can fill us up.

On our own, our hearts are complicated – disjointed with hurt and love.

When we daily choose to surrender ourselves to God, He comes into our heart and begins to clear away the debris.

But He needs to be invited.


He must be invited to do His work.

He’s always willing and ready.

We simply need to ask.

I know.

It takes time.

Healing, that is.

Why can’t He just sweep us clean with a super vacuum?

Because our hearts have learned things and we must learn new ways of dealing with life.

But the cool thing is this.

God will be faithful to heal every crack and remove every bit of debris if we daily surrender and allow Him to do what He wants.


Complete gut wrenching trust.

That’s where God can do His greatest work in us.

When you think about the alternative, it’s relatively easy.

Rely completely on the One who holds every answer to every question known to man.

The Author of our life.

The Creator of all things.


We could simply rely on worldly wisdom, some of it well meaning.

But then we’re using our own strength and wisdom.

And we’re human and mortal.

We don’t know the future.

We don’t have the stamina or mental capacity to think of all the details in our lives.

I know I cannot possibly orchestrate my life and have peace and happiness.

But if I give it all to God, who does know ALL THINGS, I can rest knowing He’s got this.

He’s got my back.

Not only that, but He’s studied me and fills the details of my life with blessings.

He plans my future for good and surprises me with many daily ‘wows’.

And He’s waiting to do just the same for you.

Peace or angst.

Clean heart or one full of debris.

Resting in God’s future plans or anxiously worrying about it.

I choose God.

How about you?

Photo by Sam Burriss on Unsplash


Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. Proverbs 14:29


How often do your prickles erupt?

Once in awhile?

When life really goes to pot?

When you’ve finally had enough?

Or too, too often….?

Prickles are easy to spot.

In fact, one can feel them rising to the surface.

They’re ugly.

Painful to others.

And frankly to yourself as well.

They put a barrier between you and the world.

It’s normal to get upset-

Just make sure it’s godly.


Treat little annoyances like water off a duck’s back.

They simply don’t move you.

And when your children need your quick firm stand, be as a gentle bear they cannot move. 

If you react instead to life as someone who quickly sprays quills, you’ll be one of those people.

People who need lots of space for whatever mood they happen to jump into.

And you don’t want that.

To be so unpredictable.

People are scared of porcupines, because their prickles can erupt in an instant.

Don’t be prickly.

Be a quiet gentle giant, standing firm when you must, predictable to life.

You can’t often control your circumstances, but you can always control your reaction.

Photo by matthew Feeney on Unsplash

Turn Yourself In

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16


God is looking for you.

You’re a wanted soul.

Wanted for redemption.

For a relationship with the One true God.

Funny, though, because God knows just where to find you.

But He has always given us a choice.

To surrender or not.

So let me ask you this:

What are you waiting for?

What’s the hold up?


Not being in control?

Would you, with your limited knowledge, rather be in charge?

Or God, who knows the beginning from the end?

But I like living for myself.

Ok, but your days are numbered and then what.

What about all of eternity which stretches far beyond your vision?

Oh, I’ll go to heaven, because I’m a good person.

Sorry, but you’re still full of sin.

And the only way to wipe the sin away is to trust Jesus to take away all your sins for you.

He will, because He loves you.

And He wants to be your friend.

There’s no strings attached.

Just ask.

But God saved you from more than yourself.

He wants you to make a real difference with others.

He wants you to have the peace of God in your life.

Maybe you’re a Christian, but your heart is still yours, wrapped up in what you want.

God wants all of you.

Only when you surrender your heart will God be able to step in.

When you put your total trust in Him, He carefully guides you with every single step.

It’s not always a smooth path, but He’s your constant companion.

And when He’s with you, you’ll have His peace which passes all understanding.

It guides your heart and mind.

So turn yourself in.


And let God take over.

Leave It

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22


How many burdens do you keep?


How many burdens do you take back after you give them away to God?

When you lay your burden down, giving it to God,

don’t pick it back up.

We are not made to carry them.

We are sheep.

But our Shepherd is made for the job.

He’s willing and happy to do it.

But we have to make a choice.

To lay the burden down.

And leave it at the foot of the cross.

Jesus might not carry it like you think He should.

Don’t ask for it back.

When your mind thinks of that burden, you begin to think of ways to fix it.

That, my friends, is scooping the burden back up.

Every time your thoughts return to that burden, give it back to God.

Thank Him for fixing it for you.

Tell Him you can’t wait to see How he solves it.

He will let you know.


If you instead, keep musing over that issue,

the burden will climb back onto your shoulders.

Worry and fear will once again join you.

So stop.

Give them to God and stop those thoughts in their tracks.

Smile, knowing God’s in control.

And He has your best in mind.

Photos by Yan Berthemy & Catherine on Unsplash

Saved From More

Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:22


Saved, yes, for all of eternity.

From the punishment we richly deserve.

But I think there’s more.

The Hebrew word “saved” means to deliver.

To help.

To gain victory.

When we look unto God for our daily needs…

When we look to Him to free us from ourselves…

When we look to God to be our everything…

We are saved from fear.

We are saved from sin.

Every day.

Every time we look unto God.

We are saved moment by moment, each and every day.

Yes, thank you God, we are saved from an eternity separated from Our Creator.

But we are also saved from worry and fear, here and now.

But only if we look unto God.

Only if we clear away all else and place our trust in God.

For He is God and there is none else.

Photo by Nagesh Badu on Unsplash


Witness God

Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe y ou would see the glory of God?” John 11:40


When faced with complaining, you have an opportunity to witness God’s power.

We cannot behave properly without God, so we must allow Him to work through us.

Disgruntled situations provide freedom to let God move.

But only if we choose to respond with life.

Most of us choose darkness or crabbiness when life smacks us in the face.

When that response feeds our flesh, poison is spread and God’s peace slips away.

What if we responded with love,

with grace,

with the wisdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit within us?

What if every moment of disappointment was covered with desiring God’s purpose,

His love,

with His grace and mercy?

What if we looked at every distressing situation with the opportunity to experience God’s sovereign help?

To experience God’s power changing us from the inside out?

We have the option to let God work through us.

Each time He does, we are covered with a layer of His mercy and love.

When we choose to bend our ear to His wisdom, He responds with heaps of Himself.

I know it’s not fun to witness disappointment.

But instead of wallowing in self-pity, choose life.

Think about how you now have yet another opportunity to trust God.

To trust your precious Savior who wants what is best for you.

And when you trust Him, He fills you again with His perfect peace.

So the next time disappointment stares you in the face, think instead, “Oh sweet relief!  Here comes more of God to blanket my soul.”

Then choose to depend on Him to keep your attitude holy.

Photos by Євгенія Височина & Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


What Moves You?

My dear mother shared this verse with me today:

“But none of these things move me….” Acts 20:24

Paul goes on to explain his pristine focus on the mission God had entrusted to him.

Earthly things didn’t move him.

Including death.

How about you?

What moves you?

Or should I rephrase this:  what shouldn’t move you that does?





I’m so guilty.

Situations can move us in an instant towards ugliness, selfishness, or (gasp) distrust in Almighty God’s plan for our lives.

“But none of these things move me….” Acts 20:24

Plaster this verse somewhere to retrain your brain.

Try replacing the word “things” with a more personal noun:

None of the children’s moods move me.

None of the sales calls annoy me.

None of the traffic moves me.

(Literally, I’m not moving.)

None of my mindless chores move me to irritation.

None of my unanswered prayers will move me away from God.

Notice the key word repeated in each phrase?


That means ZERO percent of it affects you.

NONE of it dares to move you from living in peace to living with fear or worry.


Why is it even possible for none of these worldly things to move us?

Because we’ve already won.

Jesus is victorious.

The power that raised Him from the dead lives in me.

And you.

I’m going to wave my arm like a princess, declaring “But none of these things move me”.

Join me and keep your peace.

Photos by Church of the King, Ales Maze, Esther Ann, Ben White, & Alex Perez on Unsplash

Focusing on Jesus

He said, “Come.”  So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. Matthew 14:29


When life is swirling around you, fix your eyes on Jesus.


Step out of the boat and go.

When your focus is Jesus, He will provide all of your strength.

But the moment doubt pores in, you’ll sink.

Your focus will shift to you and your circumstances without God’s help.

Fear and panic will be your guide.


The moment you turn back to Jesus and ask Him to step in, He will.

He will reach out His hand, continuing to guide you to safety.

Rescuing your heart and mind from death.

When Peter stepped out onto the water, his focus was not on the waves, the water, or his inability to walk on water.

His focus was on Jesus.

Only when the Peter began to rationally think about his circumstances instead of trusting Jesus, did he begin to sink.

But when Peter focused back on Jesus to save him, Jesus immediately stepped in.

And He will always do the same for you over and over again.

Every. Single. Time.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Right Where You Are

In His hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are His also. Psalm 95:4

He has you where He wants you.


He places us in spots where He can use us.

Do you ever wonder why He chose this spot?

I do.

Sometimes things don’t make sense.


But that’s not our job.

To make sense of it all.

That responsibility rests on God’s shoulders.

Our job is to trust Him.

Trust that He knows what He’s doing and will cover us with His feathers (Ps 91).

His protection. His grace.

I’ve had quite the journey lately.

My favorite teaching place never materialized.

My first teaching job nicely pushed me out the door.

My “dream” teaching job evaporated.

My first long-term sub job was a mistake.

My next job offer I refused as I knew it wasn’t God’s plan.

But the very next day, God flung wide the door.

It is so right.


My job doesn’t make any logical sense.


Because I jumped multiple grade levels.

I’m implementing a new program with a new subject.

And was hired less then a week before school starts.

But I know God’s here.

I’m right where He wants me.

And I know I’ll do an amazing job – ONLY because He will guide me every step of the way.

I don’t have my teacher safety net filling me with lessons from years past.

Everything about this job is foreign.

(might launch into a kindergarten calendar poem with 13 year olds)

The absolutely only thing I can do is rely on Him.

It’s comforting.


Step out of your comfort zone.

See where God takes you.

And yes, my first day was fabulous.  🙂

Photos by Nadine ShaabanaPriscilla Du Preez, & Anton Sukhinov on Unsplash

Taking Offense

Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11

As a general rule, are people out to get you?

Overall, are your loved ones decent and loving?

I’m talking about deep into the heart.

Come on- keep looking.

Bottom line? People love you.

You know I’m right.

They’re not out to get you.

So stop acting like they are.

Stop getting offended at the slightest infraction.

Are you so fragile that one word can send you into a puddle of tears?

So insecure that a crooked misleading glance or sigh can ruin your day?

Or send you into a torrent of angry retorts?

I hope not.

But I see that in so many.

Choose life.

Choose to believe the best about your child or spouse.

Or, gasp, parent.

Don’t hold others to a higher standard than even your own behavior demands.

You can’t behave badly and expect others to never follow suit.

Overlook things.

Because people are not out to get you.

Instead of focusing on yourself and your needs alone, turn your attention to others.

Smile and let things roll off your back.

Don’t hold it in, gathering stones to keep.

Let go of the stones.

Let go of the offense that was never given.

Leave it all at the cross and take your peace.

You are loved.

Photos by Shawn Rain & Iva Rajović on Unsplash


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

God is sovereign.

Over all things.

The definition of sovereign includes these words: supreme permanent authority.

Well, that about covers it, doesn’t it?

God has supreme (total) authority (power) and it’s never going away (permanent, here forever).

He holds the world in His hands.

Now you can breathe.


Focus on this: God is never leaving.

He’s constant.

He holds the universe.

Yet He longs to help you.


With everything.

He wants you to give Him all of your burdens, big and small.


Well, my large burdens include the children and where I should teach.

Too much to carry on my own.

Small burdens include transportation for kids going everywhere, holiday planning, and the sudden intense need for milk (who forgot to tell me we were low?).

Small burdens can easily morph into boulders if you’re not careful to give them immediately to God.

You’ll simply crumble under the weight!

So if God is sovereign, He’ll fix our burdens, right?

Well, yes and no.

When you give those troubles to God, He’ll take over and increase your dependence on Him.

He will give you just the right amount of strength, wisdom and peace, because you know He is sovereign and taking care of business.

Will He immediately solve your problems?

Probably not.

He might because He can, but He also might use this time in your life to refine your heart.

To make you holy.

Because God is sovereign, He knows best what do with your burdens.

That knowledge should give you peace beyond measure.

God has your back.

He knows the beginning from the end.

Trust Him to finish what He has started.

And enjoy the journey as best as you can, resting in the knowledge of God’s love and concern for you.

Because He is sovereign over YOU.

Photos by Nighthawk ShootsBen White, & CJ Dayrit on Unsplash

Choosing Misery

For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15


I know someone.

 So full of bitterness, anger, and self pity, she can hardly function.

Slightest incident can set off a torrent of panic.

Fear of losing control.

Of her world.

If  life doesn’t go her way, she pouts.


Measures life under the lens of displeasure.

Easy to spot.

Even for kids to see.

Either she doesn’t recognize how she acts, or doesn’t care.

Not sure which it is.

If guilt doesn’t work, she tries punishing those in her path.

It’s sad.

I look at her and am reminded of how not to be.

When I am in fear of losing control, do I react like her?

When someone does something I don’t appreciate, do I throw back poison darts?

It’s unfortunate to have such a symbol of bitterness, yet I am grateful.

Grateful to have the reminder to pray for her.

Grateful to have an example of how not to act.

And grateful I have God who helps me.

From the balcony of heaven, will it matter?

Will your bitterness cover over the blessings of life, fully masking their pleasure?

Will becoming so upset make your life richer?

How many of life’s happiest moments will be experienced without you-

Because you were so stuck in your bitterness you couldn’t see the beautiful life God had loaned you.

Or will your anger cause you to live without having really lived?

Photos by Francesco Gallarotti & Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Remind me, God

 I love The Lord, because He has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live. Psalm 116:1-2

God hears our voice. Our cries for mercy when things become difficult.

He wants to hear you. He wants to help.

Because He is always ready to listen, we should call on Him as long as we have breath.

God has and always will be present for you, walking with you each and every moment.

Stop and remember. Remind yourself of His goodness to you. Here are His words from Him to you:

Look at all I have done for you.

Look back at where you have been.

Compare that to now.

How faithful have I been?


Down to the tiniest detail.


Simply remember and be reminded.

I am still here.

And I always will be.

Photos by Vitolda Klein & Artur Aldyrkhanov on Unsplash

Anger? You betcha!

Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. Psalm 37:8

Is it OK to be angry?


Is it OK to be upset?


Is it OK to be full of anger?


Is it OK for anger to dictate my emotions?

Heck no.

Is it OK to dwell in anger?

Absolutely not.

There is a difference between allowing yourself to be angry and dwelling in anger.

When something terrible happens, it’s OK to become angry.

It’s an emotion. Perfectly natural.

Jesus became angry.

God has been angry.

It’s OK.

BUT when anger moves from simply a reaction to an emotion that dictates my actions and moods, it’s not OK.

You cannot allow anger to rule in your heart.

If anger dictates your actions, you are a nasty person.

Not someone anyone cares to be around.

If anger rules in your heart, you are bitter and full of rage.

Angry people spread their poison to anyone within earshot.

They believe life is terrible and all hope is lost.

They want revenge and will do or say whatever they feel in the moment.

Angry people don’t care if or when they hurt other people’s feelings -because they themselves are hurt.

Wounded people can become angry if they allow anger to dictate their emotions.

Wouldn’t it be almost comforting to be angry?

Is it justified?  Yes, sometimes, it is.

But we can choose life or we can choose death.

We can choose to be victims or we can choose to overcome.

We can choose to let anger rule our emotions or we can become an example of humility.

What did Jesus choose to do when He was faced with the injustice of the cross and stood before His accusers?

Jesus would have most certainly been justified to feel anger.

He would have been justified to become sarcastic and tell those false accusers a thing or two.

Instead, He chose to be silent and choose life.

If Jesus would have succumbed to anger, He would have changed history.

When we are in the midst of injustice, we can choose anger or we can choose to be like Jesus.

We can choose life.

Let’s be honest.

It’s fun to be angry.

It’s WAY more pleasant to plan revenge then wait and pray about our response.

Keep quiet? Are you kidding?

An eye for an eye, right?

 When we are slow to respond in a bad situation, we allow God to work through the details.

He might have us react in an entirely different way than we planned.

He might have us use strong words.

He might have us quietly observe.

He might use us as bold expressions of His love.

But we will never know how He wants us to respond if we continually respond in the flesh only as we want.

Photos by Japheth MastJason RosewellCaleb Woods, & Leo Rivas on Unsplash

Don’t You Dare Stumble!

Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. Psalm 54:4

Ever feel like you are trying too hard?

Like you are holding everyone and everything up by yourself?

It’s precarious.

One small bump and everything can come crashing down.

Falling into pieces.

One word.


Let God carry everything.

He holds the entire world in His hands.

He can hold your world too.

You can’t control circumstances.

Reactions are others to give.

Yes, you can do your best.

And you should.

But leave the results up to God.

Stand in His peace, knowing He has your back.

He’s got it.

He’s in your hands as you care for your children.

He’s in your words.


And prayers.

I know, I’ve said this before.

Many times.

But we all need reminders, don’t we?

And here it is:

God’s got this.

He’s in charge, you are not.

So let Him carry whatever it is that is bothering your precious mind.

And just simply be.

Photos by Don Starkeybenjamin hershey, & Jose Francisco Morales on Unsplash

Utter Selfishness

Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright. Proverbs 20:11

I stood face to face with selfishness last week.

Utter full-blown rebellion, actually.

It was ugly.  Super ugly.

It screamed in my face, demanding attention.

Demanding I cater to it’s selfish whims.

And when I refused,  the reaction was not pretty.

The many witnesses saw how not to act.

How silly it looks to demand one’s way so obnoxiously.

And me, I was thankful the child was only mine during the school day.

But then it hit me – selfishness stinks in any form.

Am I different then the child in my school room?

When I put my own needs before others, I’m no different.

My demands might not be so obvious.

And when I don’t get my way, I never scream.

But sometimes I’m selfish.

And that stinks.

It’s hard to continually place other’s needs before your own.

As parents, we know too well how little time we have for ourselves.

Precious time.

But the next time you are interrupted by someone’s needs,

don’t have an instant reaction to gripe.

Pour yourself out.

Because with God’s strength, you’ll never run out.

God will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is focused on Him.

Photos by TK & Linoleum Creative Collective on Unsplash

Yes, God, I’m Listening

For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things. Psalm 107:9

You’re still holding the reins.  Your life. You still want control.

I do?


How do you know?  

Easy.  Every time you don’t see your life headed in the direction you want, you worry.  

When an issue pops up on the horizon, you turn to worry instead of trust.

No – what… I do?  


Your car needs new tires and new brakes.  Instead of calmly carving out a bit of time to buy some, you let that issue build into a problem larger than it ever needed to be.  

And I solved your problem, didn’t I?  

I sent you help.  

I worked out the details.  

Your job.  I’m moving you to exactly where I want you.  

Flinging wide the doors and slamming the other one shut.  

Your life is changing into the life I have in mind for you.  

Relax.  I know the beginning from the end.  

And I am with you every step of the way.

Your kids, your future…everything.  I’ve got it all covered.

When your mind begins to focus on the unknown, stop.  

Look back.  

Haven’t I solved things for you so far?  

I haven’t brought you this far to leave you high and dry on the side of the lonely road.  

You are loved and taken care of.  

I created you for My glory and to be a blessing to others.  

You can’t possibly reflect My love to others if you are dressed in fear.  

Fling off that ugly wardrobe and walk with Me.  

Trust Me.  

I will light your steps and help your face shine with wonder.  

Many good things are in store.  

So, you didn’t need to worry your little head at all.  

Drop the reins.  Let me pick them up for you.  

We’re in this together.

Photos by Robert Zunikoff, Taylor Schwartz-Olson, & Piotr Musioł on Unsplash