Coasting Through Life

Are you coasting through life?

In it for the ride, surviving to live another day?

Or are you living with purpose, making each day count?

It’s easy in our world, to stay in our lane, creating comfort at all costs.

Unfortunately, those costs sometimes include relationships, serving others, or neglecting God’s very plan for our lives.

Did you know God has a plan for you?

Involves more than sitting around on your phone.

Or thinking only of yourself.

Are you pursuing it? Are you asking God what He wants you to do?

Oh, He can work without you, but He’d rather use you.

It’s better when you can be a part of what God does.

Are you intentionally pursuing God or your movie list?

Are you intentionally giving yourself to others or to your social media feed?

God wants all of you.

He wants your yesterdays, your todays, and your tomorrows.

Doesn’t mean you’ll be serving soup in the cold every day.

But you might a few times.

Doesn’t mean you will never relax with the TV.

But you might watch a little less, as you dig into His Word.

Doesn’t mean you will eat out less often.

But you might skip a couple, opting to give more to others instead.

Will you have to completely change? Neglect all the fun?

Nope. You’ll actually begin to desire what He has for you.

All boils down to asking God what He longs for you before bowing to your every whim.

Asking His spirit to heal your heart, allowing His love to flow through your fingers.

Asking Him to fill your thoughts with His wisdom, thinking of others before yourself..

And asking Him to guide your steps as you learn to walk step in step with Him.

Stop coasting, instead choosing to live intentionally for Him.

Photos by Clay Banks, Julian Hochgesang, & Rod Long on Unsplash

Walking Away

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Have a loved one who has walked away from God?

Maybe abandoning God or simply choosing to skip church?

It’s heartbreaking.

As parents, we want the very best for our children.

And the very best includes God.

When children are growing, we banish the thought they will ever willingly walk away from God.

We think our children will never be one of those outcasts.

Our precious little angels would never choose the world over God.

Well, it happens.

Even with our best laid plans, they do.

Kids can walk away.

It’s heartbreaking, knowing they are choosing to live without God.

Choosing to live outside of God’s umbrella of protection.

Know something?

God understands this pain parents experience.

The deep pain of knowing your child is not choosing God and His truth.

As our Father, God’s heart wants all of His creation to know Him.

To choose Him, delving into His abundant grace and love.

And every person who turns their back on God, breaks His heart.

His father’s protective heart.

Rest in the knowledge that God, as a parent, understands.

Not only does He understand, but He cares even more than you.

He seeks your children, too.

Place your not so little ones back into the arms of God.

Lift off your burden, handing it also into His capable hands.

Keep interceding on their behalf.

But partner with God.

Lean on Him, remembering how much He understands your pain.

You have one Giant Ally- God Himself.

That should produce a smile. 🙂

Photos by Claudio Schwarz, Daiga EllabyEkaterina Shakharova, & Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Stepping Into Life

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you LIFE and DEATH, BLESSING and CURSE.  Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him, for He is your life and length of days. Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Are you ever amazed at the ugliness inside?

At the emotions that pour out of your heart from nowhere?

Where on earth did that come from?

Is that me?

Am I really that selfish?

Am I really that insecure?


Nothing like real life to keep you humble!

We’re so not perfect.

Far from it.

But with Jesus, we can choose life.

Whenever ugly emotions rise up, you can choose to fling them off.

To step onto the other side, grinning from ear to ear.

The devil wants you to be grumpy.

He wants you to dwell in the past or whatever bothers you.

He wants to keep you there.



Because then you’re useless.

And you’ll sink others down along with you.


But when you choose life, Jesus lifts you up.

Those ugly emotions evaporate.

I see it in others, and yes, in myself too.

Part of living for God is allowing Him to work through you.

To change you.

To be a witness.

And to give you fullness of life.

Allow Him to pour His living water over you, changing you from the inside out.

He’ll do His part as long as you do yours.

Ask Him to help you choose life.

You’ll need to do this often, but He’ll help you.


Photos by Siora Photography on Unsplash Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

It Starts With You

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. Psalm 52:8


How will you respond to what life throws at you?

When stress stares you in the face, how will you behave?


Unable to breathe?

Grumpy pants?

If that’s your response, your body will respond in fear.

You will lash out in anger.

At the very least, your mood will be in the toilet.

You will think everything is impossible.


Calm within the storm.

You can choose to dwell on the promises of God or not.

If you do, God will be with you in the midst of the smallest infraction.

Or the giant storms, too.

And when He’s with you, He gives you unbelievable peace.

Life might be in a whirlwind, but you can stand without falling in the center, because God is there with you.

At the end of this week, my beloved and I are marrying.

So incredible.

God has blessed us with each other.

Along with these amazing weeks comes work.

Lots of work.

Packing and moving.

Combining and organizing our new home.

Wedding details.

Children and their sweet needs.

Start of school.

Putting together my classroom.

Normal family stuff like meals.

(how bout cereal for dinner?)

Brain space becomes extremely limited with the to do list.

Small tasks look enormous.

But God is in control.

He is fully able to cross every t and dot every i for me.

For us.

I just have to ask.

So do you.

Let Him take your worries, big or small.

He’ll take care of them as He walks beside you.

And focus on your blessings.

The incredible moments God brings to you as He fills your heart’s desire.

And joy will be your companion as you walk down the path of life God has for you.

Photos by Jakob Owens, Katie Moum, DESIGNECOLOGIST, & Greg Shield on Unsplash

Don’t You Dare Stumble!

Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. Psalm 54:4

Ever feel like you are trying too hard?

Like you are holding everyone and everything up by yourself?

It’s precarious.

One small bump and everything can come crashing down.

Falling into pieces.

One word.


Let God carry everything.

He holds the entire world in His hands.

He can hold your world too.

You can’t control circumstances.

Reactions are others to give.

Yes, you can do your best.

And you should.

But leave the results up to God.

Stand in His peace, knowing He has your back.

He’s got it.

He’s in your hands as you care for your children.

He’s in your words.


And prayers.

I know, I’ve said this before.

Many times.

But we all need reminders, don’t we?

And here it is:

God’s got this.

He’s in charge, you are not.

So let Him carry whatever it is that is bothering your precious mind.

And just simply be.

Photos by Don Starkeybenjamin hershey, & Jose Francisco Morales on Unsplash

Worth It

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

My beloved recently told me I’m worth fighting for.


Those are powerful words.


I picture peace and safety.




Then I began to think about God and how He also thinks we are worth fighting for.

Know how I know?


God sent His only beloved Son to die on the cross for us.


Because we are worth fighting for.

We are valued that much.




Live like you are worth fighting for.

Because you are.

God, Himself, says so.

Photos by Lina Trochez on Unsplash