Devil’s Schemes

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

News flash.

Devil doesn’t care about you if you’re lukewarm.

He doesn’t spend his time on you if you’re not walking with God.

He figures he has you.

Right where he wants you.

But if you have life that happens….

If you have big things occur, you must matter.

Pay attention, because the devil sure is.

He knows God has a special plan for your life.

Wants at all costs to stop it.

To make you feel like God doesn’t care when your family falls apart.

To feel like God has turned His back when things don’t go your way.

The devil’s goal is to get you to stop trusting God.

To stop trusting God has your best in mind.

That God still even cares about you.

Remember that.

He wants to keep you busy, unaware of the evil influencing your children.

He wants to keep you blind to the repairs needed in your marriage.

He wants to keep you apathetic to the holes in the relationships that matter.

He wants you to think there’s nothing you could do to help anything.

That God can’t or won’t help or maybe isn’t even there.

He wants to keep you absolutely pathetic.

Because then you’re weak.



The next time you are tempted to sink back into old habits, remember that’s where the devil wants you.

Instead, tell him no way.

Don’t give him the pleasure.

Give the satisfaction instead to God, who has promised to never leave you.

Photos by Markus Winkler, Bermix Studio , and Ben White on Unsplash

Never Ever Leaves

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6


God has promised to never leave us.


Flip that.

God has promised to always stay right by our side.

With us.

Right there.


Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds us to be strong and of good courage…to fear not, nor be afraid.


Because the LORD goes with us…never failing us, never leaving us alone.

So why on earth do we ever allow fear to follow us?

Seriously, why?

We must stop this habit of turning to fear.

Since God is always with us, we have nothing to fear.


Not war.

Not screaming children.

Not sticky family situations.

Not even changing jobs.

We can jump into what God has for us, because He is with us.

Nervous to make a change?

Wondering if you can handle today?

Well you can do it.

Certainly not on your own.

But with every little thing, remember that God is with you.

He’s with you doing the dishes.

He’s with you driving your child to work, during awkward conversations, and while you mow the lawn.

He’s with you at the doctors and He’s with you at the drive-thru.

He’s with you as you wake in the night and He’s with you on the porch when you sip your morning coffee.

What difference would it make in your life if you began to remember He is always at your side?

Present in every moment?

Be strong and courageous.

God, who created ALL things, is with you every moment of every day.

And He will never leave you alone.


How sweet it is to trust in Him.

Will you trust Him afresh today?


Photos by Kyle Cottrell , Callie Morgan , & Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash